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Email to Lewes DC

May help the contacts will probably give ypu costs, or if they decline its Freedon of Information request time!

See LDC flood plans update

May help the contacts will probably give ypu costs, or if they decline its Freedon of Information request time!

See LDC flood plans update

11 October 2005: 5 years on from Lewes floods and much more needs to be done says LDC
Media: 531
The first phase of improvements to flood defences in Lewes was completed last December and Lewes District Council is lobbying hard to get funding for the comprehensive upgrading of flood defences for the town.

The construction of the first phase of new flood defence embankments around the Malling Recreation Ground now offers improved flood protection to the Malling Brooks industrial estate, Tesco and the residential areas around Spences Lane, Orchard Road and the Spinneys with a combination of earth bunds and walls. Malling recreation ground will not be protected and will remain as a flood storage area, if the river overtops its banks.

Councillor Ann De Vecchi, Leader of Lewes District Council said ”Although the first phase of this essential flood defence work has been successfully completed, there is still so much more than needs to be done. Funding continues to be an issue because most parts of the town haven't had any upgraded flood defences since the disastrous events of October 2000 and still remain very vulnerable. The basic problem is that Government requires the Environment Agency to consider flood defences in a fragmented way, rather than by a comprehensive town-wide flood defence scheme.

We are also convinced that manmade climate change is also a major issue that we must take seriously. The District Council is launching a consultation draft of its Climate Change Strategy. We all need to take steps to lessen the input our lifestyles have on the environment and to take action to adapt to changes in our climate that have already happened”.

Despite the difficulties in getting funding for a comprehensive flood defence scheme for Lewes, progress has been made on a number of fronts:

The Sussex Ouse Flood Management Strategy has now been agreed by Government. The District Council is working with the Environment Agency to bring forward detailed proposals for the Cliffe area, so that a scheme is ready if Government funding becomes available. This area stands the best chance of getting further funding.
Developers are preparing proposals for major redevelopment in the North Street area, which will include upgraded flood defences. These will only go ahead if the scheme , as a whole, gets planning permission
An updated Flood Emergency Plan for Lewes has been drawn up and is being tested in a multi-agency exercise (involving the emergency services, local authorities and voluntary groups ) on October 11. This will help ensure that there is an effective response to any future flood emergency.
The Lewes Flood Warden Network continues to work to develop flood awareness in local communities and to assist the authorities in the event of another flood. The warden's annual training event on October 11 will look at new telephone flood warning arrangements and the lessons to be learned from the Carlisle floods in January 2005
Planning policies continue to exercise strict control over development in the floodplain. New national guidance on the role of planning in managing flood risk is expected by the end of the year, and the District Council will be reviewing relevant policies in its new Local Development Framework to make sure that they are up to date.
Flood risk on the Winterbourne Stream has been reduced by a new trash screen installed at Bell Lane Recreation Ground earlier this year. This has been followed by a campaign to deter fly tipping and dumping in the stream bed, which adds to flood risk.
Importantly, the District Council are bringing these, and many other initiatives, together in its new Climate Change Action Plan which sets out what we can all do to reduce the carbon emissions which are driving climate change and increasing flood risk everywhere.
"We are doing what we can to reduce flood risk in Lewes." said Cllr De Vecchi. "However, the real answer lies with a comprehensive scheme of upgraded flood defences for the town and only the Government and the Environment Agency can deliver those"


Notes for editors:

More information about the draft Climate Change Strategy can be obtained from Ian Kedge, Head of Environment and Health at Lewes District Council on 01273 484353 or email

The Lewes Flood Warden Network is supported by South Downs CVS, Lewes District Council, East Sussex County Council and the Environment Agency. You can obtain more information by calling Paul Rideout on (01273) 483832

Media enquiries to Liz Lacon, Public Consultation and Press Officer.
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Gilliver's Travels

Jul 5, 2003
Brighton Marina Village
Anyone hoping for a reply from Lewes District Council -- and especially the leader Ann De Vecchi-- had better be prepared for a long wait. I'm still waiting for acknowledgement -- let alone a reply - to this letter, written long before we knew they were going to apply for a Judicial Review.

31 October 2005

Dear Cllr De Vecchi

Falmer Stadium

I am astonished to learn that Lewes District Council is still contemplating further expenditure of council taxpayers’ money on challenging the recent ODPM decision to approve the application for a Community Stadium at Falmer.

Anyone who has followed this saga will appreciate that the stadium opponents’ case became diminished and ultimately invalidated by their repeated dependence on exaggeration, misrepresentation and untruth. Measured presentation of the facts might just have taken them a lot further.

While they may only now be beginning to appreciate exactly where this ill-advised approach has led them, the inevitable result is that the objectors’ credibility with fair-minded people is shot to pieces. Your Council’s endorsing their case any further, in the face of the facts and the detailed, painstaking analysis and adjudication by the ODPM, would only involve throwing good money after bad. If you wish to retain the confidence of your electorate - a great many of whom enthusiastically support the stadium - surely it is time now to call a halt, accept the outcome and work with all the parties involved in everyone’s best interests.

Yours sincerely


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2004
Preston Rock Garden
Email to Ann De Vecchi sent yesterday

As a tax paying Lewes district council resident, I am absolutly disgusted by your descision to yet again, plough more tax payers money into opposing Brighton and Hove Albion's new stadium at Falmer.

Todays descision seems to have been taken without the views of the majority of LDC residents yet again and all for a stadium that is around 4 miles away from the towns nearest residential area.

Already, £207,000 has been spent. How much more of the town's money are you prepared to lose. As i look around the historic town, i see an under funded 100 year old open air swimming pol and next to it, a duck pond with half the water it should have and crumbling walls. I soon expect to see the most pathetic christmas decorations in living memory.

For as many years as i can remember, LDC have been faffing around with the Pells duck pond, spending a bit here, doing a patch up there and it remains in a shocking state. Instead of wasting further money on the vain attempt to stop the innevitable stadium build, why don't you put the tax payiung resident's money to good use and repair the pond once and for all. Give the residents something for the extortionate council tax you charge and try to justify the innevitable huge rise come next year instead of trying to satisfy your own political beliefs and prejudices.

You make me spit the lot of you and if i could afford to move out of this god forsaken hole they call Lewes (somewhere that i've lived for the last 36 years), i'd go tomorrow.

Gilliver's Travels

Jul 5, 2003
Brighton Marina Village
jevs said:
Email to Ann De Vecchi sent yesterday

As a tax paying Lewes district council resident, I am absolutly disgusted by your descision to yet again, plough more tax payers money into opposing Brighton and Hove Albion's new stadium at Falmer.

Todays descision seems to have been taken without the views of the majority of LDC residents yet again and all for a stadium that is around 4 miles away from the towns nearest residential area.

Already, £207,000 has been spent. How much more of the town's money are you prepared to lose. As i look around the historic town, i see an under funded 100 year old open air swimming pol and next to it, a duck pond with half the water it should have and crumbling walls. I soon expect to see the most pathetic christmas decorations in living memory.

For as many years as i can remember, LDC have been faffing around with the Pells duck pond, spending a bit here, doing a patch up there and it remains in a shocking state. Instead of wasting further money on the vain attempt to stop the innevitable stadium build, why don't you put the tax payiung resident's money to good use and repair the pond once and for all. Give the residents something for the extortionate council tax you charge and try to justify the innevitable huge rise come next year instead of trying to satisfy your own political beliefs and prejudices.

You make me spit the lot of you and if i could afford to move out of this god forsaken hole they call Lewes (somewhere that i've lived for the last 36 years), i'd go tomorrow.
Wonderful stuff! Deserving of a proper, detailed reply, and I hope you get one. (In which case, please make sure you post it on here)

The extent to which L D C councillors are prepared to go, in order to pursue their coldly transparent, sneering hatred of football and the (imagined) bunch of oiks who support it is, quite frankly, shocking. They all deserve to be exposed, called to account, ridiculed and then finally voted out.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2003
Thank you for your email. It has been forwarded to officers in the department concerned for their attention and you should get a reply from them soon.

Lewes District Council

>>> >>>

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing with utter disbelieve that you plan to challenge the stadium at Falmer at the High Courts.

I have many friends who live in Lewes and are Brighton & Hove Albion supporters and are "IN FAVOUR OF FALMER" .

Please can you let me know why you are going against our wishes and spending valuable tax payers money on fighting something that goes against our wishes?

Yours disgruntled,

The Oldman

I like the Hat
NSC Patron
Jul 12, 2003
In the shadow of Seaford Head
Sent this:

Dear Ms Devecchi,

I am dismayed to learn that the District Council has decided to seek a Judicial Review into the decision of the Deputy Prime Minister to grant planning permission for a new community stadium at Falmer.

After 3 public inquiries all the evidence for Falmer and other sites has been heard. An independent Inspector has concluded that none of the sites suggested by Lewes District Council and others "are sufficiently advantageous that they represent feasible, practical and realistic alternatives that should be preferred to Falmer. There are site specific issues relating to each one of the sites that lead me to conclude that, at present, there is no reasonable prospect of planning permission being granted for a community stadium at any of them".

I understand that your council feels it must pursue the matter because the Deputy Prime Minister's decision conflicts with government policies relating to areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Given that the proposed development at Falmer is using in part a Brownfield site where buildings already exist and your Council at the last Inquiry put forward as an option Toads Hall Valley which is wholly within the AONB, I find your stance inconsistent. I am sure the council did not raise such strong opposition to the redevelopment of Glyndebourne Opera House in the 1990's yet that produces far more conflict with an AONB location compared to Falmer
which is surrounded by large scale development and main trunk highways.

You are now committed to spending considerable further Tax Payers money on this procedure. Yet here in Seaford we are told that the council is so short of funds that local services have been cut and that next year further reductions in services will take place. How then can you justify further expenditure on opposing the Falmer Stadium development when there are so many other pressing claims for Council Tax?

Therefore, I urgently request you to review your decision to seek a Judicial Review. If you do proceed then as a Council Tax Payer I ask that you publish your estimated costs of legal and other fees associated with this decision and seek full Council Authority before a final commitment is made.

Yours Sincerely

El Turi

Aug 13, 2005
Who are the other main perpetrators in this outrageous decision as we might want to make sure every last one of them knows our feelings on the matter.


NSC's Benefits Guru
Oct 9, 2003
In front of the PC
Lammy said:
Well if we're all printing off our letters...

Dear Sirs/Madams,

I am writing to you as I am aware that you are being advised to pursue a Judicial Review of the recent Falmer YES decision given by John Prescott. As a Lewes District Council tax payer I must object vehemently to us pursuing this matter any further. The site for the stadium is not even within our jurisdiction and yet despite the tens of thousands of pounds already wasted on behalf of a few Falmer residents we are still considering pursuing this matter further.

Please could you offer me a complete breakdown of the following;

a) The total costs already spent on the Public Enquiry (including all expenses)
b) The total cost that will be incurred if you loss the Judicial review (Including all government expenses that we will incur)

Then could you please justify to me why we are being asked for a raise in our council tax next year. Newhaven already pays the third highest rates in the district despite being a poor area. There is obviously more than enough money in the coffers if we are able to pour money into the business of other districts

I look forward to your well informed responses as ever.

Best regards

If you ask that under the FOI act they will have to answer within 30 days.


NSC's Benefits Guru
Oct 9, 2003
In front of the PC
Just sent this to them

Under the FOI Act can you please provide me with the following.

a) How much have Lewes Distric Council spent todate in relation to Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club's plans to build a new ground at Falmer. I would like a break down of legal fees, expenses man hours along with any other money that as been spent?

b) Following Thursday's decision to appeal against the decision of the ODPM, how much have the council budgeted for this?

c) Do the council plan to pay from this existing funds, or do you plan to raise the money from other means, and if so how?

I look forward to your answer within 20 days as promised on your website and in line with the rules of the FOI Act.

33057 Seagull

New member
May 22, 2004
Over the border in Southwick
Still working on this, but want to write something original & don't want to plagiarise others works so in meantime have e mailed this letter to Argus.

Dear Editor,

Living in Adur, it is none of my business that a planned waste incinerator has been given the go ahead in Newhaven (Argus 24 November) although I do hold views from an environmental perspective.

I therefore find it surprising that Lewes District Council are to appeal for a Judicial Review on the decision for a Community Stadium, situated outside their area at the University sites in Moulsecombe. It has nothing to do with them nor will it affect their residents. As it is many Lewes District residents I know are in favour of this excellent sports facility.

I am so glad that I reside outside Lewes as I hate to think what increase in council tax is likely to be levied to Lewes District residents in the coming years . I understand any judicial review will cost in excess of £2,000,000.00 in addition to costs already incurred in several public enquiries & legal advice provided.

If this money is to be wasted then if I was a council tax payer in Lewes I would prefer this spent on an environmental assessment in disposing of the 210,000 tonnes of rubbish from all over Sussex carried by lorries, 7 days a week, as opposed to a football stadium used once or twice a week at the most by people conveyed on trains & buses.

If Lewes District Council really want to make an environmental impact they surely have the intelligence & wherewithal to spend council tax money wisely, whereas the current situation, to me does seem totally absurd.

Mellor 3 Ward 4

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
saaf of the water
Remember that those living in Newhaven, Peacehaven Seaford etcare all LDC Council Tax Payers - get writing!

Sussex Express, Argus , Council

Just Do It !

Jam The Man

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
South East North Lancing
Got a response from Norman Baker...

> Dear Mr Berry
> Thank you for your e-mail. The decision to go for judicial review was
> one taken by Lewes District Council, and in which I had no part. I did
> not attend the meeting in question, and had not, and have not, seen the
> confidential report to the meeting. It is not correct therefore to hold
> me responsible for the council's decision.
> I hope this is helpful.
> Yours sincerely
> Norman Baker MP

To which I responded...

Mr Baker,

I appreciate your reply. But you may have seen there were two main points to my e-mail. You have addressed the first point, but chosen not to answer the second point, which was:

'To you personally Mr Baker, no thanks for going back on your word. "I will accept the ruling of the enquiry"... more political lies is it? If you truly meant this you would come out and state it again in public'

Maybe you would be so kind to respond one more time?

Kind regards,

Aaron Berry

I'm not holding my breath...

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