Raleigh Chopper
New member
Anyway the thing that I never understand is why people stop talking when they go into a cubicle. If you go into the loo and a mate is there at a urinal/sink everyone chats away as if they weren't in a loo at all.
However, as soon as someone has decided to SIT DOWN, it's as if it's illegal to continue to chat & the rules are stricter than a library...
Why is this!?
In a word concentration.
In a crowded toilet the last thing any bloke wants is to
a. Produce a huge splash and plonk (with a neptunes kiss) resulting in giggles from beyond the door.
b. Blow out a huge wet fart amplified by the porcelain bowl resulting in silence from beyond the door.
You then sit tight in the hope that you are not going to stench out the whole of the gents and the need to carry out a courtesy flush or two.
Have you ever sat on the loo and the guy in the next cubicle is carrying out a and/or b, it puts you in an awkward situation especially if you both emerge and wash hands at the same time.