Well-known member
- Jan 21, 2016
- 2,655
Stunned that people are just blithely dismissing the revelations yesterday. The charges are serious and despite the mixed motivations of Dominic Cummings should be treated as such.
1. Having run down the NHS with a decade of austerity and ignoring the findings of Operation Cygnus this government left us woefully unprepared for a pandemic which had topped the list of threats to this country.
2. When the pandemic did actually hit, it turns out we had no effing idea what to do and thought that letting everyone getting it was an ideal solution despite the evidence that we had from mainland Europe that this would be a disaster. You can share the blame around for this one but still all who were involved are stained with its failure, including Cummings.
3. Once the severity of the situation became clear, the response was woefully inadequate. The hospitals did not have enough PPE, care home residents were basically sent to their deaths, and dithering meant that we lock downed way too late because the PM (in a state of denial about the seriousness of this) lacked the balls and intelligence to do it.
4. Once in lockdown, we failed to learn from other countries who had successfully implemented test, track and tracing systems and introduced a botched version of our own which is still failing to this day. We failed to secure our borders and allowed travel from countries that were riddled with covid, a policy that has only marginally been reversed a whole flipping YEAR later. Even then we held the door open for the Indian variant.
5. Moving swiftly on to the autumn/winter period. Despite having the full knowledge and experience of the spring debacle we then moved on to the complacent let's reheat the economy and stuff the people phase. Interesting that Cummings failed to criticise Sunak (maybe wants another job the slimy old f*ck). Still we moved on to the spreader event that was eat out to help out, and then most criminally the end of year wave that was to prove the most deadly phase of the pandemic. By September we had all the information to hand about how the virus worked, the PM himself had first hand experience of terrible the disease was, yet the cavalier attitude of we won't lockdown only the oldies die prevailed. The government fought against the tide for a few deadly weeks but eventually we found ourselves in the longest and harshest lockdown yet, and yes Boris the 'bodies did indeed pile up.'
I have barely even scratched the surface of everything that government and the PM in particular got wrong in this pandemic. We did not need Dominic Cummings to tell us all this. It is all there in the public record and had been uncovered by a handful of excellent journalists such as those on the Sunday Times Insight team.
That said to finally hear from someone in the room was important as it adds weight to the growing pile of evidence proving the weakness of our institutions and the negligence of this PM, Sec of State and government in particular.
The government has handled this pandemic badly. At every turn where there was a decision to be made they initially made the wrong one. The result of which many thousands of people died who need not have. Anyone who claims to be 'bored' by this quite frankly has my complete and utter contempt.
I think you nail it when you say 'we did not need Dominic Cummings to tell us all this'. I am struggling to find anything he said that was not already well known.
You can add that Carrie Symonds is a self obsessed snob and Cummungs himself is a nasty, vengeful piece of work. But again - aleady very clear to anyone paying attention.
Thus this is a sideshow that will have little impact.