It's a valid point. All dogs have got teeth, they can all bite when they're scared and/or think they're in a situation where they've got to fight - but when you hear those 'devil dog savages child' stories it's never a cocker spaniel.
(Proud owner of one cocker, one toy poodle, one cavalier/shih tzu coss and three cavasoodle puppies).
ah well there ya go endangered species in southern africa sohow the **** does one turn up in surrey.....just nails the aint the animals fault..!!
It's a valid point. All dogs have got teeth, they can all bite when they're scared and/or think they're in a situation where they've got to fight - but when you hear those 'devil dog savages child' stories it's never a cocker spaniel.
(Proud owner of one cocker, one toy poodle, one cavalier/shih tzu coss and three cavasoodle puppies).
dog owners who blame everyone else for their inability to control their own animal
I'm a bit more concerned about dogs attacking humans than dogs attacking other dogs, and I can't remember the last time I heard of a Labrador ripping the face off a toddler.
only going on past experiences , next door neighbour has catsHas next doors poodle been chasing you up the road again Das?![]()
a rat on a lead
poodle that got drunk on some cheeky Cava?![]()
dog owners who blame everyone else for their inability to control their own animal
BRAIN DEAD MATE, if it was you annoying her in some way the shoe would be on the other foot, i've had my fishing pole broken by loose dogs where i fish , there's signs clearing saying"please keep dogs on a lead "then they piss on your gear , i wonder how the owner would react if i turned up on their doorstep and pissed on their front door, WANKER'S THE LOT OF THEMJust back from the park. My boy and his mates were playing football. Some dopey woman lets her Boxer puppy run in and try and pop the ball while she has a little chat to her friend. Then it turns on my son, jumps up and knocks him over at which point I ran straight at the thing. The daft BINT hadn't even f***ing noticed. I yelled at her that the boys were now terrified and would she mind awfully putting the fecking thing on a lead. It took the c*** FIVE MINUTES I kid you not. CMS has better control. And then do you know what she said? "It was only playing, she wouldn't harm a fly". I looked at the bloke she was with and he immediately advised her that they should continue the walk somewhere else with the mutt on a lead.
sadly that's a typical story, i've got nothing against dogs its the planks that own them that give the majority of good dog owners a bad nameMrs Frogs was out walking our toy/miniature poodle Ozzy earlier this week when a flicking great Labrador off lead came out of a nearby wooded area and started attacking Ozzy. Much swearing and shooing at the Lab from Mrs F and the dozy owner eventually came ambling over to take it away. When Mrs F had a pop at said dozy **** for letting his dog off the lead and attacking Ozzy, he denied that the dog had attacked and started wandering off in the opposite direction. She couldn't keep up with him to find out where he lived so as to report the attack but I tell you, if I find him....
And then do you know what she said? "It was only playing, she wouldn't harm a fly". I looked at the bloke she was with and .
And then do you know what she said? "She was only playing, she wouldn't harm a fly".
love me like i love my dogI got attacked and bitten as a small child by a Doberman and although not scared of dogs, but very cautious of big dogs.
I used to hate, and I mean hate it when I was fitting flooring and I would turn up at some ignorant c***s house and they would have a bloody Doberman or a Rottweiler,
I would always ask if they can put the dog in another room or outside, & I could always guarantee they would insist "He or She was alright, and would not hurt a fly" then they would let them off the lead to prove their point...... "let him sniff you" they would say............. What the feck, why would you do that........ I am scared and have a feckin knife in one hand and a carpet stretcher in the other, the last thing I want is a feckin Doberman sniffing and growling around me............
Some people amaze me.
Disgusting. I went for a walk over the Dyke yesterday and there were two people walking their massive dogs (pit-bulls I think) near cattle. The woman had the larger dog on the lead, but she clearly couldn't control it - the dog was way stronger. I took another route.
Dogs like these should be banned.