Mental health is not really so very different to physical health. The brain and the mind are part of the body. Most of us are just far more familiar with treating problems in the body that we can see and understand more easily.
Its the stigma that holds back acknowledgement/confession. By that I mean that at work its hard to admit to any difficulties. My latest trick is to put an 'out of office due to overwhelming teaching load' message on my email when things get a bit, er, hectic

WRT intrinsic mental health isues (caused by the brain rather than some other *******), the same applies, but you MUST get help (and family friends really need to help, here).
The trouble is that as you transition from being OK to being not OK, nine times out of ten you won't realise....that's when all the problems start. But I'm sure those reading who have suffered themelves, or in their family, know this anyway.
My best wishes to everyone reading.