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[Football] Do you still watch MOTD?


NSC Patron
Jun 27, 2012
I don't know if everyone saw this but Glenn Murray made his MOTD debut last week. He''s done MOTD 2 before but this was his first stint on a Saturday night alongside Micah and Gary.



Well-known member
Oct 18, 2011
I watch Sunday mornings, a nice part of my start of the day routine. If we lose may give it a miss though. As for Lineker I like him, I think he's an excellent host. It's Saudi Shill Shearer that grinds my gears. It's a much better highlights show than anything Sky has to offer.

Given how much the game has changed I find MotD a reassuring simple pleasure that should be savoured for as long as we've got it.
I prefer the Sky highlights. You get roughly 30 mins of action and you don't have any "experts" like Shearer being biased and talking bollocks. I only tend to watch our games on Sky highlights.

I usually record MOTD, watch the match highlights, listen to the managers' post-match analysis, then fast forward until the next game starts.

Bry Nylon

Test your smoke alarm
Helpful Moderator
Jul 21, 2003
Playing snooker
None of this excuses shooting John Lennon, mind.
Well, yes. Apart from THAT, obvs.

"And before we go, just time for this weeks 2 Good, 2 Bad... Here's a Chelsea fan checking his phone and getting smashed in the face by a Ben Chilwell clearance; and here's me shooting one of the Beatles in New York. Right, let's have a quick look at the Premier League table...."


NSC Patron
Jun 27, 2012
I prefer the Sky highlights. You get roughly 30 mins of action and you don't have any "experts" like Shearer being biased and talking bollocks.
Although you do get a co-commentator with the SKy highlights - who i'm pretty certain are not always well received on NSC.

PS: A fairly recent Shearer post match analysis of Brighton (the Nottm Forest win) he said this...

“They were back to their best.
“I thought they were really positive.
“Every time they could, they tried to play the ball forward.
“Everyone seemed very comfortable on the ball and it was a really good performance. Full of confidence.
“Some of their play in forward positions was magnificent.
“Look at how many players they are prepared to get into the box."
“This is à wonderful touch by Evan Ferguson to set himself up and then just to guide it into the corner.”
Shearer said Joao Pedro looked “really sharp” and added: “This is a fantastic header.
“The leap and then to get the control and guide it into the corner.”
: “It was wonderful to watch.
“For them to go there and do that.
“They are struggling with injuries, they had a red card, they felt hard done by and that’s why they were celebrating so much.”


NSC Patron
Jun 27, 2012
PS: @rippleman - i know you'd have skipped this - but wanted everyone to see Alan Shearer conclude the other day that these are "pretty worrying times for Palace"
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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2009
Although you do get a co-commentator with the SKy highlights - who i'm pretty certain are not always well received on NSC.

PS: A fairly recent Shearer post match analysis of Brighton (the Nottm Forest win) he said this...

“They were back to their best.
“I thought they were really positive.
“Every time they could, they tried to play the ball forward.
“Everyone seemed very comfortable on the ball and it was a really good performance. Full of confidence.
“Some of their play in forward positions was magnificent.
“Look at how many players they are prepared to get into the box."
“This is à wonderful touch by Evan Ferguson to set himself up and then just to guide it into the corner.”
Shearer said Joao Pedro looked “really sharp” and added: “This is a fantastic header.
“The leap and then to get the control and guide it into the corner.”
: “It was wonderful to watch.
“For them to go there and do that.
“They are struggling with injuries, they had a red card, they felt hard done by and that’s why they were celebrating so much.”
It's not Shearer's analysis that I have a problem with btw, I do not dislike he's punditry. It's his stomach-turning celebration of Newcastle's new owners that I dislike.
PS: @rippleman - i know you'd have skipped this - but wanted everyone to see Alan Shearer conclude the other day that these are "pretty worrying times for Palace"

For me it is not Shearer's punditry that I have a problem with. It is that he is just another shill for the Saudi's just because they happen to have bought his club. I don't mind his punditry that much.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2013
It's not Shearer's analysis that I have a problem with btw, I do not dislike he's punditry. It's his stomach-turning celebration of Newcastle's new owners that I dislike.

For me it is not Shearer's punditry that I have a problem with. It is that he is just another shill for the Saudi's just because they happen to have bought his club. I don't mind his punditry that much.
He's wooden, dull and insightful in terms of analysis. Never learned anything from him prattling on about "passion, desire, 'unger".


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Thought Micah Richards laid into Dan Burn a bit too much in previous match. It was almost personal.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
It's not Shearer's analysis that I have a problem with btw, I do not dislike he's punditry. It's his stomach-turning celebration of Newcastle's new owners that I dislike.

For me it is not Shearer's punditry that I have a problem with. It is that he is just another shill for the Saudi's just because they happen to have bought his club. I don't mind his punditry that much.

Well said.

His smugness since the murderers took-over, any early show of morality was 100% fake.

Steve in Japan

Well-known member
NSC Patron
May 9, 2013
East of Eastbourne
I thought our game was covered poorly. They talked about our first 2 goals, but not the next, superb, 2. I also wanted to confirm my own view about the Palace handball which led to RdZ getting a yellow card. 4/10.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Micah Richards is a box tick, complete goon, you’ll find half a dozen more knowledgeable bores in any pub.
Completely agree. Thought he was out of order being so critical of a decent person, for example saying “everyone knows that Burn is slow…….”.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2010
Amused by the editing for the 4th goal. Pedro and Welbeck combine for a killer goal, ground erupts - cut straight to polite applause clearly taken from a few seconds later.
Although many have already seen it online, the BBC will have cut it down to censor for the kids.

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