Uncle Spielberg
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Well I hope the 15 that said no , so far, have not been scoffing any Easter Eggs today !
How can someone who believes that Jesus was the son of God, also believe it's possible that Mary was raped?
There is historical evidence that Jesus the man did exist, whether or not he was the son of God is the dispute. I do believe Jesus rose from the dead. What I can't believe is the the day Jesus was killed in such a horrific way is called 'Good' Friday. Sound's like a pretty bad day to me.
Well I hope the 15 that said no , so far, have not been scoffing any Easter Eggs today !
Well I hope the 15 that said no , so far have not been scoffing any Easter Eggs today !
You're joking, right? There is absolutely no evidence that such a man ever existed. No grave, no documentation, no contemporaneous accounts at all, no Roman archives, nothing.
Pontius Pilate left no written evidence that such a man had been executed. This is unusual, to say the least, for a society like the Romans that kept meticulous records about everything that went on in its provinces and with its subjects, especially executions.
Plenty of non-biblical writing exists from that time and that place, but none of it mentions a man by this name, or any stories that we might recognise as being about such a person.
All accounts of the man known as Jesus originate from the four gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, of which Matthew, Mark and John's accounts of Jesus are essentially rehashes of Luke (I might have the order wrong there). All of these were written at least 150 years after the supposed death of this man.
The versions we have of these accounts have been translated umpteen times over the years by people with all kinds of political reasons for spicing something, toning something down, censoring or adding something to. So, yes, in my opinion, I think it would be perfectly reasonable to suggest it is in dispute.
I do not believe she was raped. The comment was to meant to be as far fetched as the idea of her being a dirty slag. I believe in the immaculate conception and that she gave birth to a boy she named Yeshua, a common Jewish name at the time.
Well I hope the 15 that said no , so far, have not been scoffing any Easter Eggs today !
Ok, the way you worded it ('if anything Mary the mother was raped') suggested you accepted that may have happened.I do not believe she was raped. The comment was to meant to be as far fetched as the idea of her being a dirty slag.
I think she was dressed provocatively, and secretly wanted a bit of rough.
It says a lot about humans and how we desperately want to believe that this isn't it.It always amazes me that some of the most intelligent and lucid people I know can still believe in this fairy tale.
Likewise.We don't pay attention to scientific books from 2000 years ago any more, as they have been proven to be innacurate. So why we pay attention to religious books from 2000 years ago that can also easily be proven to be innacurate is beyond me.
Maybe she showed a bit of leg, or her neck or something. Slag.I think she was dressed provocatively, and secretly wanted a bit of rough.
I realise you didn't intend to offend - maybe I overreacted a little there... However I still think it's stretching it. Yes, it was written the Bible however many years ago, but was that really the first time it was written down? Did civilisations older than the Bible really have no laws? I don't think that's the case, and I believe such laws would always have existed regardless of belief in any gods.
But maybe that's just me. Anyway, I realise these threads on NSC have a habit of descending into anarchy and personal abuse and that's not where I want to go... so maybe I'll just leave it at "I disagree with you" and wish you happy Easter anyway![]()
Yes I do, mind you I once believed Sergio Garcia would win a major golf title.
Civilisations older than the Bible had laws, but they were different. Keep in mind that Barabbas was, among other things, a murderer and was released instead of Jesus. Killing was deemed to be wrong in society at that time. I merely pointed out that the Bible made it one of the 10 main laws of living, and seeing as the Bible is such a powerful book around the world I think it is a very positive contribution.
I will agree with disagreeing and I wish you a very happy Easter.
People are to blame for their own acts. A religion gives guidance and helps people find a few answers in their own lives. All the atrocities that have happened in the name of religion re committed by people who are trying to justify their own misdeeds and desires. Religion has also been the base of basic laws such as not killing each other, etc. Hard to say nothing good has come from religion. If you look at many of the bigger religions and boil their ideals down to one general statement about life, you will appease many different gods by living the best life for yourself and for others.
Too many things can be seen as a bane of society if you only focus on the ways it can be used negatively.
I do not, in any way, believe that Atheists are immoral. Nor am I suggesting that the idea of killing people would have been legal had religions not deemed it wrong. But as you said yourself, it was written down thus taking the need for people to come across the idea themselves out of the picture. I am sorry you were offended by my post, as that was certainly not my intention. It was merely an example.