The Large One
Who's Next?
In my experience this statement is complete rubbish.
Over the last few years I've had reason to contact a number of councillors across the political spectrum to deal with concerns I held personally and to assist in dealing with neighbourhood issues. Without fail, every time I have contacted both Labour and Conservative councillors they have responded quickly, politely and constructively. This can not be said of the Green councillors I have contacted.
One very good example was the attempt to increase rents for allotments. Labour and Conservative members responded immediately to my concerns and I got emails and phone updates from them. The Green councillors ? Not a word, not even an acknowledgement that I had contacted them ....... UNTIL ..... after the budget was rejected and allotment rents weren't increased. What I got then was a diatribe of emails from a number of the Green councillors accusing the Labour and Conservative councillors of ganging up against the Greens, lying and not understanding what they were trying to do. No addressing of my concerns at all. They did decided, for some bizarre reason, to copy in a number of Labour and Conservative councillors.
So in my experience the Greens only want to know your opinion if it supports their policies and plans. If these policies and plans are defeated then they turn into child like creatures throwing around accusations of being bullied etc.
EDIT - and you only needed to watch the ridiculous speech that Jason Kitcat gave at the first Green budget council meeting to realise he's a rude and arrogant prat who seems to think sixth form common room politics works in the big wide world.
Interesting rant, but short on substance and value. That rant is all about 'me, me, me', and not about the city as a whole.
The Greens do like to engage on just about every issue - almost to a fault, much to the mirth of Labour and the Tories, who believe that the decision was taken at the ballot box. Now that's arrogant.
As stated earlier, you are falling into the well-laid trap of making this a Green against Others campaign, which has little value.