capital letter blind .... obsessed to the hilt with someone he don't even know's f*cking pathetic !!
Capital letters, or the lack of, is punctuation not grammar.
capital letter blind .... obsessed to the hilt with someone he don't even know's f*cking pathetic !!
why do I need it if you can understand me anyway ?
if judging grammar is all about a persons intelligence then you crack on.
"I am better than you because my grammar is better than yours"... its a snobbish attitude to take and it stinks.
everyone is obsessed thesedays with political .correctness. racism anti Semitism womens rights, homosexualism climate change........whats next someones f*cking grammar ffs !!!.
I do understand you, that is true. You have posted a video and then failed to our together any kind of coherent argument to back it up. Sadly your grammar reflects your ability to hold any kind of decent discussion.
It is less do with a person's intelligence and everything to do with how they express it.
A painter may have a beautiful image in his head but if he cannot wield a paintbrush then his vision is worthless.
Regarding anti semitism, are you aware of the significance of this week?
Actually I'd say I'm a good judge of character, because I judge based on the combination of your poor spelling and grammar, your aggressive and dismissive approach to debate, your willingness to believe (without question) a YouTube video of an old lady talking nonsense, and your assertion that ANYONE whose opinion differs from yours is "ignorant", "close-minded", or a "sheep".you are ignorant because you assume that you know everything about a mans character judging by his grammar alone. any bright spark could work that one out.
yep you are definitely arrogant aswell marks out of 10 for spelling its clearly an issue on here
So the millionaire-funded, former investment-banker led, bunch of privately educated, reactionary, scare-mongering, right-wing elitists, wins your vote as they "speak for the people"? They're exactly the same as all the other parties mate, just trading off the fact they're "new" when in fact they're just fringe BNP and Tory defectors, all career politicians and cut from the same cloth as the existing parties. If I were you, I'd follow your own advice and go into it with an open mind, rather than following the crowd that you seem so keen to avoid.still UKIP by a country mile. not one other party out there speaks the language of the people, proper people that is.
and I am being blatantly honest here to....YOU CAN STICK THAT PAINTBRUSH UP YOUR ARSE. will get a lot more sense out of it than I would out of you.
Capital letters, or the lack of, is punctuation not grammar.
yes of course.. my mother was a jew so whats your problem ?
What are proper people? What are they like?
I have myriad problems but trust me, you're not one of them.
Enjoy your fishing trip, I've made my point.
The 'proper' people...haha You mean the 15% dumb enough to vote for the wankers. I see another UKIP councillor has defected to the tories. I know you kippers love to spread the news of anybody defecting to their 'political party' , so, im guessing you want to read this one as well..
''As the dust begins to settle regarding the recent defection of Amjad Bashir, we can reveal there are a number of other key UKIP officials contemplating leaving the xenophobic party.
Yesterday, Paul Irwin, a Buckinghamshire county councillor left UKIP and has joined The Conservative Party.
Irwin made a statement to the media that claimed:
"For the last year I have been unhappy with UKIP. They’re policies are not sitting comfortable with me. I’m middle of the centre but I’m not right wing.
“I do believe in controlled immigration but some immigration is good, we have some fantastic doctors because of it. In Buckinghamshire, we can’t recruit social workers at the moment. We have to look abroad."
I would imagine, keep this up and you'll get banned (again)
14 pages on and you are yet to make any kind of coherent argument - and you accuse us of being the ignorant ones.
14 pages.
Strange way to show a disinterest towards conspiracies?
I'm not into xbox threads, so I don't go on them, anyone who does, I assume must usually enjoy using the xbox?
surely the same logic would apply for conspiracy threads?
it seems to me like you and almost everyone else on here are trying to get me banned. all I have been subjected to is a barrage of insults and abuse. I can take it it don't bother me its just water off a ducks back.
however. if this was all aimed at someone else they would more than likely take the abuse more seriously and raise it up with the administrators of this board and then probably carry the matter a lot further. that unfortunately is the way society has gone. as said I am not like that and it doesn't bother me one tiny bit..
Dave, Dave don't be too harsh on him. He's a UKIPper and a tin-foil hatter so he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Charities have been started to benefit more fortunate people than him.
I just enjoy watching Car Crash threads develop, and maybe help them along a bit.
Fascinating stuff.
Given you started the insults I would imagine the mods would take as much notice of your complaint, if you decided to make one, as they would your CTs.
and that you deep down are scared to admit you half believe this stuff hence why you've probably been on every conspiravy thread going?