To a point I agree with you BUT this clean power isn't as straight forward as your post makes out. For example, let's take central heating. A vast majority of people have a gas boiler - really dirty for the environment. The alternative being suggested is a hydrogen boiler. All well and good but they aren't available yet. Even if they were available how would they be supplied. The idea is to start with is boilers that use 20% hydrogen mixed with 80% gas. Now it theoretically that can be delivered via the current gas infrastructure - problem being that it would mean all current gas only boilers would be inoperable. So it needs a whole new supply network ..... to every home. And what about people that can't afford to change to a hydrogen boiler ( once they are actually available ) ?
The ideal would to be to make people change their habits - the frequent flyer tax would be a good start ( just as long as there is no trading facility ). I'd like to see the government pull forward the ban on new diesel cars - maybe even not allow any new cars to have an engine bigger than 1.6l. A ban on SUVs is also a good idea. Charge supermarkets for excess packaging ( and Amazon ! ). Remove the tax break airlines have on fuel.
I agree about changing habits. There’s lot of small changes, and different choices, we can all make which collectively will make a significant difference.