We wunt be druv
Phillip Lee resigns as a justice minister. More rumoured to follow over the coming weeks.
Phillip Lee resigns as a justice minister. More rumoured to follow over the coming weeks.
TRAITOR! How bloody dare he do what he thinks is in our best interests!
Phillip Lee resigns as a justice minister. More rumoured to follow over the coming weeks.
I expect he'll be on the front page of the Mail tomorrow with a target on his forehead.
Phillip Lee resigns as a justice minister. More rumoured to follow over the coming weeks.
Phillip Lee resigns as a justice minister. More rumoured to follow over the coming weeks.
Resignation statement in full -
Points out that if Brexit is worth doing, then do it well no matter how long that takes, so calls for Article 50 to be paused, extended or revoked as neither The UK or EU is ready for Brexit and negotiations are being badly rushed.
''The outcome that is emerging will be neither fully to leave the EU, nor fully to stay. This is not an outcome for which anyone knowingly voted. ''
Excellent news,one leaker less.Perhaps he will have a bit more time to heed his constituents views on Brexit.
Bracknell results were Leave 35,002,remain 29,888,on a turnout of 76%.
One-eyed Brexiteers like him always think that anyone looking to postpone Brexit are actually looking to postpone it indefinitely.He is not saying we should not leave, he is saying we should not leave to an impossible timetable.
I see a few posters are giving their definitions on Leave and remain types.Most remainers seem to live abroad,or are the delusional un-washed old people who hang around Parliament,dressed in blue and gold,the 'Youth vote'
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Most remainers seem to live abroad
I wish more Tory MP had the gonads to resign over this. The people running the Brexit negotiations are making an absolute mess of it, predictably. Whenever they don't get their own way, they rant over Twitter about how the EU is holding us to ransom or shamefully playing the Irish border or some other crock of shit. Absolutely clueless.![]()
I wonder if thoughts when voting will turn to Joe Cox. I hope intimidation is not a factor...perhaps an over reaction but the far right are very vocal about an outcome they do not like. Express headline 'ignore will of people at your peril' can be read in a few ways. Lots of comments on that forum saying there will be protests bigger then Tommy Robinson's..etc
One-eyed Brexiteers like him always think that anyone looking to postpone Brexit are actually looking to postpone it indefinitely.