With the amount of back tracking um and ahhing, head scratching and verbal shrugging from those in charge of Brexit, wouldn't it be better to wait and see if the first referendum is implemented?
8 million might SING it tonight but the minute the Government heed it then democracy is finished
We manufacture f*ck all. The EU will be fine without us
And [MENTION=11928]vegster[/MENTION] we were voted against 70 times and voted with, thousands. We did alright.
With the amount of back tracking um and ahhing, head scratching and verbal shrugging from those in charge
There are already other countries thinking of following us, thats why so many threats were made,already Obama has confessed we still have a special relelaiontship with the USA
As long as that includes services, that would be best for all.I'd expect to see a Swiss style agreement covering free trade, paying into the EU budget and free movement of labour as the final settlement
Many, yes, but less than half of our voters.........which doesn't address the issue of migration that caused so many to vote leave.
I have been more than happy in the referendum to debate the issues. I respect the Remain point of view. However I struggle with the concept that the debate is settled by switching on the TV and believing journalists and campaigners. This is a debate of ideas. Facts are open to interpretation. I accept that we disagree but your wish to impose a 'truth' on me is somewhat worrying.
When's petrol going up?
sounds like one of your bike riding clubs
Our specialty is deciding the general route.
Arrive at the roundabout 200 yards down our road.
Then each taking a different exit.
It would be funny if it weren't true.![]()
Reverse phycology? Good try.
A lot was garnered from opinion polls also before the vote. A lot of articles in the media showing the voting demographics also, and all of them say the same thing. Young people voted overwhelmingly for remain. So, its not really peoples own private thoughts.
I think that is a question for the Leavers.
Hopefully even better ,that's what I voted for ,change and a better future time will tell if I've made a mistake today I still think I did the right thing and voted leave
Two questions for the Leavers:
-- what are you going to do if Scotland leaves the UK?
-- and if this materialises, do you really think that England, Wales and a violence-ridden Northern Ireland will retain its permanent status on the UN Security Council?
Reverse psychology? Absolutely not. As far from being a little Englander as you could imagine. Still trying to see where you get that from but don't bother, I'm not that interested.
Just a question, two professors, have you served in the Armed Forces? I know for a fact Dave in Prague, a prominent remain poster on here is ex forces, and a Falkland vet, I'm ex forces with 15 years service, including two war zones, so don't you dare to question my patriotism.
Show us your medals
Sorry, couldn't resist.![]()
To be honest I'm pretty grouchy about the result as I only see it as a losing situation, I probably shouldn't be commenting at the moment, especially here, I come here for the football not politics. However, I will say that I'm not talking about TV prior to the referendum, at that point it was a shower, with an awful lot of twaddle from all sides. I'm talking about the news since Friday morning. It's really not been bright and I'm really struggling to see how the leave voters are so happy. It's infuriating to see all this bad news on our economy and prospects, only to see a leave voter smug because "we got our country back" or some such soundbite.
I'm not only talking about British news here either. Globally people are looking in at the situation and thinking the same thing. The damage to our economy is plane for everyone to see. Pound crashing, trillions gone from the economy, which by the way should now be the third biggest in Europe seeing how France overtook us since the crash after the vote and people looking in bewildered at what we've done. I'm not a huge nationalist to be fair, but even I'm sore when I read news and speak to my international friends and everyone is asking the same thing "what have you done this for?". I'm with them frankly, it's turkeys voting for Christmas as far as I can see.
Granted it could all be short term problems, but I'm just not a fan of self harm, it's that simple. I suppose the difference between me and the common leave voter would be that the reasons for all this self harm were trivial to me and I was more interested in the route of attempting to fix the EU from the inside rather than sack it off. I just really see no plus points right now and it's bewildering the level of denial from the leave camp. You really don't feel any concern at the state of the pound at least? Short term or not, that's a very easy fact to see and I'd have thought must give some concern?