If those 3 you can think of include either [MENTION=1365]Westdene Seagull[/MENTION] or [MENTION=33253]JC Footy Genius[/MENTION], I think you may have to revise your estimate downwards.
Or ask them what their 'good deal' that they are backing looks like ? Even in the broadest sense, ie differences from TM's deal or how it would address the NI border issue ?
It's just that each time I ask them that simple question they seem completely unable to muster any sort of plausible answer, even though it's their preferred 'solution'
So I'm going to come clean here - I've generally answered any question thrown at me - even if it's included an insult. BUT, I've purposely avoided answering your repetitive questions, not because I can't answer them but because you're a repetitive bore, you're like the drunk at the end of the bar that just keeps parroting on like a broken record. You add nothing to the debate and it's either "What out of these three options would you pick ?" or "So what's your good deal ?". It's got so amusing it's been discussed via PM with other posters. You've got so so so so desperate that I answer your questions you've done at [MENTION=1365]Westdene Seagull[/MENTION] into double figures so far in an attempt to get some attention. You're like a six year old that needs constant reassurance or even a puppy that needs that pat on the head for being so clever ( although I doubt you're even nearly as cute nor indeed as clever as a puppy ). So there, I've given you the attention you crave, now time to box up some paper clips for that massive government contract you have.
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