Raleigh Chopper
New member
It is NOT the fault of leave voters that the process has been managed by incompetents and now an entitled, wealthy lunatic fringe. They were promised something that isn't deliverable and thus what is being proposed by Raab (proroguing parliament) is a sop to the extreme right-wing tail wagging the flea-infested dog that is the current Tory party, and is nothing short of a shameful undemocratic disgrace.
It's the inability in human behaviour to not admit that you are wrong, that you have been fooled and duped and that you have made a mistake and that your opposition has been right all along.
In fact the longer it goes on and the longer the opposition name calls them the more they dig their heels in.
The problem is that their behaviour becomes even more ridiculous and desperate, I don't think I have seen any more than 5 leavers admit that they got it wrong.
I mean let's look at some of the people advocating Brexit. Mogg, Johnson, Farage and Widdecombe to name only a few.
Take Brexit away and any sane person would see them as total idiots.
And to advocate a no deal Brexit is suicidal lunacy.
But still they carry on arguing their cause rather than seeing it for the con that it is, they have been taken for complete fools by politicians.