Must have lost it in the never ending streams of this thread, where did I quote Cameron?
Post #737 on the 'Eu Elections Poll' thread....only a little while ago.
Is your memory fading?
Must have lost it in the never ending streams of this thread, where did I quote Cameron?
Post #737 on the 'Eu Elections Poll' thread....only a little while ago.
Is your memory fading?
2.5 million muslims in the UK ....aha ha ha ha ha ha .......haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa.....bore off you imbecile.
here's the vid anyway ....https://youtu:be/rgXFzauGwog
And yes it is, hope you're ok with that.
Apologies, a bit under 3.5 million according to the ONS August 2018, the 2.5 million figure was from the 2011 census. Am I supposed to shit myself about that increase?
ah well ..unable to share .go figure that out .....147 , 000 prrffft, so 8 % or there abouts of the muslim population walked to the venue as it was the Eid ....i don't have a problem with them ...i have a problem with know fucl=k all bell ends like you whose heads are up da wrectum........
The link is your post (#737 on the other thread).
(And sorry about your memory - must be awful.)
Nothing new there from a general election then.
The new bit is this, the people that told the lies and made claims that can't be met, are not the ones that have to try and make them happen. This time, they got to make the promises, and now point at Parliament for not being able to make them happen, calling them traitors etc.
What has that post got to do with me?
Yeah but surely leave would have insisted on another 'people's vote'?
I used an out of date number, chill out.
it's still way under ....carry on sausage.
Absolutely nothing.Mistaken identity. Apologies.
chilled but're in denial and i can't help you with that , i have a broad spectrum of mates from up and down the country , the northern and midland parts of England are far more heavily populated that what you are lead to believe , less than 10% of the total population is a crock .
16,765,992 votes would have been 50% of the valid votes cast, +1, which would have been a winning total in the referendum.
Leave got 17,410,742
Remain got 16,141,241
If 624,751 people that voted Leave, had voted Remain instead, it would have been a remain win, with a majority of 1.
I am sure at least 624,751 votes of 33,551,983 were gained by the combination of lies, illegal collaboration, illegal spending, illegal use of data and Russian trolls.
no, but over the course of the next decade what do you think the numbers will be and where will they be predominantly living ?Apologies, a bit under 3.5 million according to the ONS August 2018, the 2.5 million figure was from the 2011 census. Am I supposed to shit myself about that increase?
no, but over the course of the next decade what do you think the numbers will be and where will they be predominantly living ?