Well-known member
- Apr 23, 2010
- 6,908
Farage manipulates people to gain power. The majority of leave voters are poorly educated, bigoted, prejudiced, gullible, fools and thus easy prey for a scumbag like Farage. None of them stop to question his motivation:
He rallies support to leave the EU because he feels it is a deeply corrupt organisation and is against immigration because it takes jobs away from Brits. Okay. That's how he presents himself yet he draws a salary and a pension from the EU of which he is an MEP and gives his german wife a job in the UK. claiming only she could do that job.
He's a conman and he hides it in plain sight.
And none of them will realise it until it’s far too late .
This seems to sum him up to a T.
Historian Reinhard Luthin defined demagogue thus: "What is a demagogue? He is a politician skilled in oratory, flattery and invective; evasive in discussing vital issues; promising everything to everybody; appealing to the passions rather than the reason of the public; and arousing racial, religious, and class prejudices—a man whose lust for power without recourse to principle leads him to seek to become a master of the masses. He has for centuries practiced his profession of 'man of the people'. He is a product of a political tradition nearly as old as western civilization itself."
Demagogues have appeared in democracies since ancient Athens. They exploit a fundamental weakness in democracy: because ultimate power is held by the people, it is possible for the people to give that power to someone who appeals to the lowest common denominator of a large segment of the population.[7] Demagogues usually advocate immediate, forceful action to address a national crisis while accusing moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness or disloyalty.
Below are described a number of methods by which demagogues have manipulated and incited crowds throughout history. Not all demagogues use all of these methods, and no two demagogues use exactly the same methods to gain popularity and loyalty. Even ordinary politicians use some of these techniques from time to time; a politician who failed to stir emotions at all would have little hope of being elected. What these techniques have in common, and what distinguishes demagogues' use of them, is their consistent use to shut down reasoned deliberation by stirring up overwhelming passion.[11][29]
- Scapegoating
- Fearmongering
- Lying
- Emotional oratory and personal charisma
- Accusing opponents of weakness and disloyalty
- Promising the impossible
- Violence and physical intimidation
- Personal insults and ridicule
- Vulgarity and outrageous behavior
- Folksy posturing
- Gross oversimplification
- Attacking the news media