Dave the OAP
Well-known member
Christ, don't tell me Trump's getting involved now.
Christ, don't tell me Trump's getting involved now.
No, you've said I'M privileged .... now explain how I am ?
This is all very superstate ,so the UK is to dumb to make a law ,no wonder we need to be in the EU ,they know best !.
Why would it be obvious I read the links.
There are enough interesting people debating on here with interesting views to read. Why would anyone waste time reading your thousands of links. That's your problem. You don't have your own view. You just link to others. You are the least interesting person on this thread, presuming you know what everyone else is thinking and doing. There is no point in anyone giving their opinion, because all you do is send them some other boring link. As I said you, you are a typical know all, that's knows **** all!! There are some very narrow minded boring people on this thread. You are right up there with the worst of them.
If I ever see you make an interesting point I will congratulate you on it. But don't hold your breath. Unless I am willing to open numerous links you post and read someone elses view, I will never see it!!![]()
until of course we dont, its only a treaty away from being removed. and why shouldnt we want to as good EU citizens?
I thought MEP's did it after being told who to vote for.
That is utter bullshit, but I have seen it on Facebook before amongst a list of other bullshit, it really is not true, we will not ever have to take the Euro against our wishes.
Not at all .... I simply pointed out that the proposals for closer ties include an EU Army , a Financial Commissioner/Director and that I had heard a reputable person on a reputable TV News channel report that countries would be forced to use the Euro (opt out or not) from 2022
Oh spot the difference from what I said and the link that was posted earlier ... I said 2022 ... the link reports on 2020 ... two entirely different dates.
As for pointing out that a Veto is only as good as who holds it in their hand was a response to your shouting we have a Veto ( I am not deaf or blind so why you felt the need to shout just shows you cant handle a conversation in a civil way ) , your claim we have a Veto is fine but only if its used when required.
Oh Goody yet more referendums .... that will make everything better ... see my other post where I simply say the point I was making is any second referendum will give poor choices for both sides as even 'Remain' is not as everyone says as keeping the status quo if the EU plans are acted upon , thats not the EU we are currently in that is a different EU.
You are privileged as you dodged a bullet with what we were talking about a few months ago! Lol
It's not good mate.
BTW. You going tomorrow?
You are displaying why now.
At the end of the day its been a complete waste of time & money as there is little chance of any agreement & will inevitably go to a second referendum which wont solve anything as it will just anger who ever loses & incense the 'leavers' from the first vote who will wonder what their vote is worth if its ignored.
Referendum will end up ... Leave on a bad deal .... Remain & hope we veto the EU plans for a Financial Director and a Euro Army not to mention the fact we would have to use the Euro from 2022 whether we want to or not plans in Euro Parliament
not quite, the non-Euro adopting nations are supposed to be progressing to adoption along that time frame. UK and Denmark (with veto) not included for now.
Your entitled to your opinion but your wrong , it was actually on one of the TV news channels and a European somebody (so called expert) who said it but as I said no idea who , all I can say is it was a reputable person on a reputable channel. I wont get in an argument over it as I say I dont wish to get involved in rumours or hearsay I just posted it as a possibility like the Euro Army & the Financial Commissioner/Director that the EU wish to have.
I am not disputing we have the power of a Veto ..... but do you honestly see Corbyn or whoever is the LibDem leader using it to veto anything the EU suggest such as the two things I have said the EU hope for ? .... a Veto is only as good as the person who holds it in their hand which would be useless in the hands of Labour or LibDem leaders. Not that the Conservatives are any better as a political force but your assumption that we have a Veto so we will use it can not be upheld unless you have a crystal ball in which case what are the winning lottery ticket numbers please ?
i thank you for the links but i am of the mind i wish this country to control this country including its finances , military , laws & trade deals. Its my preference i have never said otherwise , what i originally pointed out which has somehow got lost is that its almost a certainty we are heading for a referendum and that the choices will both have major drawbacks including remain which everybody assumes will mean the status quo which if the eu gets its way for closer ties most certainly wont be the case.
Apparently the Brexit talks have broken down between the Government and Labour because Theresa May refused to make any changes to the political declaration.
Plus ca change.
But that would happen even if Corbyn didn't agree to meet May. There's no logic is the argument that it was a trap and it would harm him to take the meeting.Labour have been under no obligation to back May's deal so cannot take responsibility for this failing. What they potentially will end taking responsibility for is not being able to work with the Tories to come to a workable solution. And you can bet your bottom dollar that the Tory party and the right-wing press will ensure this happens at every opportunity.