I'm fairly sure you'll ignore this because you won't be able to answer, but where is the EVIDENCE that the EU as an entity is even remotely close to dying? A massive majority across the EU believe that the right to move across 26/27 member states is a good thing, as are the absence of tariffs, as is a guaranteed basic level of social care, as is a basic level of workers rights.My main reason for voting Leave,and one I have mentioned numerous times,is I want out before the EU dies.With its central banking,currency based on bad debt,and colossal bureaucracy,it's just like the USSR revisited.Brexit might be financially damaging,but it won't be as bad as staying in.It's dying,and trying to save it as a whole means the death of Europe.Only a two-tier Euro holds out some hope,but it's politically unacceptable.Even Draghi can't lighten the gloom.
You can argue the toss about the Euro, but your assertion that the EU is dying is quite clearly unadulterated bollocks. I seriously have no idea where you dream up this nonsense. It is absurd. It is so absurd that the man on the street in places like Holland and Germany are incredulous we are doing it to ourselves.