Conveniently didn't say that though did you?
I did however link a picture of the front page and the leader article.
Conveniently didn't say that though did you?
That's weak, even by your normal weak standards.
You say that the EU protects workers rights, I challenge that on basis that a) British workers fought for protection before the EU, and b) the EU is pissing all over workers in parts of the EU......currently in France.
You can't dispute either point, so provide a glib response.......that's cool by me.
But what I don't understand with you and others, is why you persist with the belief that the EU is not a capitalist clearly want to remain in the EU, along with Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Sir Philip Green.
They really don't give a flying fvck about workers rights or socialist principles such as common ownership.........nor does the EU. You have fully embraced the EU on this basis, so why be coy about it.........c'mon you Tory shill, let it out. VOTE IN, VOTE TORY.
So weak I get another 4 paragraphs of your soapboxing!![]()
I'm sure no one with any sense of decency or self respect would want to exploit the tragic death of the MP for use in the referendum although some did and are trying to do that on the RIP Jo Cox thread.
The Times is reflecting it's readership's views as was the Sun. I wonder where all the sneering posts about Murdoch's mouthpiece are from some of the Remain crowd ... double helping of hypocrisy anyone?
Doesn't come across like that to me! I would go so far as to say less vocal members of this forum will agree with him not you. He states rational arguments and facts yet you resort to waffle and insults. That's my view and maybe a lot of others but, hey ho, you have your supporters too. Worryingly.
I'm sure no one with any sense of decency or self respect would want to exploit the tragic death of the MP for use in the referendum although some did and are trying to do that on the RIP Jo Cox thread.
The Times is reflecting it's readership's views as was the Sun. I wonder where all the sneering posts about Murdoch's mouthpiece are from some of the Remain crowd ... double helping of hypocrisy anyone?
So I get told I'm a fool and spouting nonsense, and I'm the one throwing insults?
Where have I even insulted him!? I called him a politician!!
Yeah whatever.![]()
Also Newsnight tonight. They are already positioning themselves for when the 'gloves' come off again. It is already being exploited. You'd have to be either overly emotional (clouding judgment) or blind not to see it! (apologies to the blind).
That may well be the case I haven't seen Newsnight but anyone who has, is or intends to crowbar this into the campaign is as previously described.
Unfortunately this, Sadiq Khan and Polly toynbee already insinuating that the immigration subject is poisonous. Gordon Brown is speaking in the Guardian tomorrow and we can assume that the Leave campaign will be held responsible for the death of Councillor Cox. Democracy and Political point scoring will start again tomorrow and we can all get back to battle.Also Newsnight tonight. They are already positioning themselves for when the 'gloves' come off again. It is already being exploited. You'd have to be either overly emotional (clouding judgment) or blind not to see it! (apologies to the blind).
Here is the full text of The Times leader. It is an excellent, thoughtful and well-written piece and I urge everyone to read it.
I gave you a thumbs up but, they still will though. Note that this forum is representative, it has already cropped up here.
England 2018.