JC Footy Genius
Bringer of TRUTH
- Jun 9, 2015
- 10,568
It's just with the last 2 referendums in this country, no planning, infrastructure or contingencies, or even any thought at all, were put in place that were required if the vote went the other way from The Government of the day, which made them totally unrealistic at being honoured as campaigned for. Project Fear v Project Fantasy in both of those somewhat differs from the years, possibly decades, of building and creating what's required in terms of infrastructure and relevant agency bodies etc and all the unfortunate political, social and economic upheaval it'll bring and whatever other unintended consequences manifest themselves.
As for it being the British way - the next 2 referendums we'll be having in The UK will see the end of being British as I know it. Putting aside the sectarian bloodshed of the one in Ireland, at the least with the one in Scotland it'll take care of worrying about Trident renewal - Not so much the emperor with no clothes, but The P5 UN Security Council Member without a nuclear deterrent, as well as all the other falls from grace. (but with blue passports of course)
Agree that the forward planning was virtually non-existent and the leaving process has been crippled by weak leadership and the parliamentary arithmetic. But that isn't a reason to ignore the largest democratic vote in UK history.
I think you are being a tad pessimistic in your predictions ...