The Clamp
Well-known member
I agree with everything you say here, except of course the bit where that you say "I wouldn’t want to make out that all leave voters are thick", seeing as you have said exactly that on this very thread DOZENS of times.
Try reading the posts you have cherry picked out of 111 posts you have trawled through instead of breaking into a sweat trying to play one-upmanship. That way you may have realised I’m not exclusively calling Leave voters thick (they are but it’s a bit more complex than that, not much but a bit) .
I think all voters were too thick when it comes to Brexit, leave and remain and I have always maintained that view. Subtle difference that I don’t expect everyone to pick up on.
I blocked Pastafarian for continually posting the creepy results of his research into my posting past, don’t go down the same road. I like some of your posts and it’d be a shame to miss the odd gem you come out with.