We’re on our way.
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Think up something for yourself, PPF used this first.
We’re on our way.
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Think up something for yourself, PPF used this first.
Me too!
Ok,if you say so, sorry.
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Yep.And with masses of companies already making moves out of the UK we can expect a steep downturn in oooh, about six months say? What is gonna be left? Vacuum cleaners and a chain of cheap pubs by the look of it!
Good try but the argument to stay has never been about the economy. It is about freedom and maintaining morals.
Good try but the argument to stay has never been about the economy. It is about freedom and maintaining morals.
Polititians will always try and make things about money.
So you won't be free when we leave then?Good try but the argument to stay has never been about the economy. It is about freedom and maintaining morals.
So you won't be free when we leave then?
I show my passport etc when travelling in Europe still and feel as free as a bird thanks![]()
That's very noble of you pasta. The thing is though, others on this thread have commented on the fact you come across as sneering, a bit of a ****er and generally unpleasant. Now I'm not going to argue with them, but to me you come across more as being like The NSC Brexit thread version of Boris Johnson - Public school, Tory, Brexit backing, arrogant, buffoonish, full of blue sky, grandiose ideas that are little more than bluster and hot air with zero substance. (Though obviously your sexual encounters are far more online than his) So with all things considered I think there's a better than average chance that what someone like you considers to be in the interests of the nation and what is actually in the interests of the nation being mutually exclusive.
I fully appreciate though that the thought of Brexit and the future is now terribly exciting for you. You feel empowered, part of something and no longer marginalised. For me though it's a resigned air of despair and depression in equal measure. The way I see it is this:
Never-ending austerity with goodness knows what further austerity measures to be introduced as the economic reality of this idiocy really kicks in and another squeeze on living standards.
The break up of the union. (The United Kingdom, not The European Union) To me it's now a question of when, not if on both Scottish independence and Irish unification and all the political, social, economic upheaval it'll bring.
Apropos to both austerity and Scotland, we face the upcoming nonsense of Trident renewal and somehow finding the money out of the defence budget and basing it in a territory that doesn't want it and wishes to breakaway from London. Goodness knows what a new Naval base in Cumbria would cost on top of that, but frankly the whole thing should be scrapped as we're just the emperor with no clothes and such delusions of grandeur as a country really should be dropped.
Goodness knows what to come politically and socially as this idiocy plays out - it's quite frightening frankly. The thought of Rees-Mogg as PM terrifies me every bit as the thought of the showers at Eton College in his school days after a Wall Game terrify him.
Lastly, there's elephant in the room - at some point in the next 10 years on top of all the above, The Queen will pass away. Put to one side the ensuing grief, both faux and genuine, that will follow that will make those nauseatingly, embarrassing days of September 1997 look dignified in comparison, but there'll be an awful lot of genuine soul searching and hand wringing as to who we all actually are now. I'm not talking about The United Kingdom of England and Wales becoming a republic like Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica etc will but the introspection will be profound.
With all things considered and being perfectly honest, blue passports aren't much of consolation I'm afraid.
Less free. You can not deny that, even the most hardend brexiteer can not deny that.
I'm not sure why you say it was odd that I 'omitted' Cash's privatisation reference - as I pointed out it didn't appear in the report I drew on. (It was in the BBC news feed last night - it's still there.) In fairness to the BBC its report covered a great deal of ground and included brief summaries from a number of conference speakers as well as Cash. Given that the woolly wording (I suspect designed to mislead) of this latest Cash reference to privatisation I can understand the BBC's subs not including it.
Economies can be sustained on positive projection alone.
Not sure why you bought other members into your post. Your point could have easily been made without the dig at others. Something to think about perhaps.
A non European Union passport will be a welcome bonus when we leave, I wonder too if the same nauseating drama queens from 1997 will be crying over a piece of paper when it happens, those bedwetting already over the loss of a burgundy one appear to be the same crowd.
I really don't think they'll still be thinking about anal sex
How will I be less free ?
It's time you and I talked about gay marriage pasta because you're just the man I want because I think you're experienced enough to give me some insight into it.
There does seem to be a direct and undeniable correlation between the predominately, male, wealthy, privately educated, Brexit backing, Conservative & Unionist (just like yourself) members of The European Research Group and Leave Means Leave, such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and Conservative and Unionist members of parliament who voted against the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, such as Jacob Rees-Mogg. I know that despite there being an exemption for religious faiths to conduct same sex ceremonies, many of those Conservative and Unionist, wealthy, privately educated members, such as Jacob Rees used their own religious beliefs and morals as an excuse to vote against it and try to pretend that they're not just right-wing, bigoted, dinosaurs stuck in a time warp, such as Jacob Rees-Mogg is.
However, I now think back to the 2015 General Election (It does seem an awfully long time ago now doesn't it) and a notorious interview given to The FT by The Right Honorable Member for Hastings & Rye. As well as making disparaging remarks about her constituency, the wealthy, privately educated Ms Amber Rudd was asked if she thought the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 would be an issue at the election for voters. Rather than just answer 'no' as any normal person would, Ms Rudd blurted out -
Now to me that highlights 2 things:
1. The wealthy, privately educated, Conservative and Unionist brain works differently to that of a normal person.
2. It proves, along with some other things in regards to Ms Rudd, that you can take the wealthy, privately educated, Conservative and Unionist out of the girls dormitory at Cheltenham Ladies' College, but you 'aint never going to take the girls dormitory at Cheltenham Ladies' College out of the wealthy, privately educated, Conservative and Unionist.
So, back to the aforementioned predominately, male, wealthy, privately educated, Brexit backing, Conservative & Unionist members of The European Research Group and Leave Means Leave and their opposition to gay marriage, such as Jacob Rees-Mogg - could something that happened at Eton College be behind it?
I’ve been living in Spain (Barcelona) since 2005. This is an honest question, how will I be affected? What will happen when we (wife and kids, all with Spanish passports) visit my family in the uk?Let’s wait and see exactly what rights you lose after Brexit, then I’ll state exactly how you will be less free to live, work, study and retire in the EU.
I’ve been living in Spain (Barcelona) since 2005. This is an honest question, how will I be affected? What will happen when we (wife and kids, all with Spanish passports) visit my family in the uk?
I’ve been living in Spain (Barcelona) since 2005. This is an honest question, how will I be affected? What will happen when we (wife and kids, all with Spanish passports) visit my family in the uk?