Two Professors
Two Mad Professors
The IMF really does have a very poor track record of forecasts. They make Mark Carney look like an insightful guru (him with the “Unreliable Boyfriend” nickname).
The IMF really does have a very poor track record of forecasts. They make Mark Carney look like an insightful guru (him with the “Unreliable Boyfriend” nickname).
The IMF has also said that the EU could lose as much as 1.5% of gross domestic product from a “no-deal” Brexit, while the UK would suffer an even bigger hit (a 4% loss of national income).
That's a high price to pay.
The IMF has also said that the EU could lose as much as 1.5% of gross domestic product from a “no-deal” Brexit, while the UK would suffer an even bigger hit (a 4% loss of national income).
That's a high price to pay.
I think you will find 4% was quoted for the Irish Republic.
I can't recall seeing too many forecasts which illustrate a substantial increase in GDP as a result of a no-deal Brexit. But perhaps I've been looking in the wrong places.
4% seems pretty conservative. By the time Brexit happens our growth divergence against staying will already be close to 3%..
I'm more concerned about the Pringles. If we don't sort out a deal, will we still be able to get them, considering they're manufactured in Belgium. We may have to stock up before March just so we can watch binfests like this on NSC
Strawman post. No one can possibly know what the economy would have done if we’d voted remain. It’s impossible to know.
All we do know is that all of the forecasts of Doom and Gloom were wrong. If things were so bad, why is unemployment at such record lows and employment at record highs?
Employment is a good barometer for the economy.
If you think I have never had any abuse off the remain crew on here,then you are very selective about the posts you read.If you have any complaints,there is a system in place,and I'm sure you will get a very sympathetic hearing,if you speak to the right moderator.Although one of the moderators is just as handy with the insults and abuse as any other remainer.If it all gets too much for you,might I suggest a six month hiatus from this thread and just get back to the footie.Then we can all celebrate Albion's safety in the Prem,in an independent Great Britain.
I only hope we can continue to create employment to provide a bit of relief for the many millions cast into poverty by the uncaring policies of the EU.This will only get worse as the ECB stops it's gigantic spending on buying up useless debt.Thank god we are Leaving.
Yeah, not sure if they said we'd go from fastest growing in the G7 to slowest in 2 years, does that count as wrong? Still microwave operator positions at Wetherspoons are booming as the public down trade...
You are clearly unaware of the funding and job creation the EU has poured into areas of the Uk like the NE and Cornwall. Those areas are going to really suffer.
You're getting things wrong on every level available to you.
1. I have not said that you haven't had any abuse.
2. I do not have any complaints about abuse towards me (I wish it didn't happen at all but on the other hand abuse from at least four posters on here might be regarded as merit awards).
3. The thread is not too much for me (although there's a sad lack of content sometimes).
4. You don't seem the obvious person to issue advice about supporting the Albion although I am happy if you can convince me otherwise.
5. In defence of your latest unpleasantly abusive post you implied that it was simply a like-for-like response. As has been shown, the post you were replying to contained nothing more than the gentlest of banter.
You are clearly unaware of the funding and job creation the EU has poured into areas of the Uk like the NE and Cornwall. Those areas are going to really suffer.
Rubbish.Just some of our contributions being grudgingly given back.
Well, if we hadn’t voted to Leave, it would have been much worse. Prove to me that’s not the case. You can’t. Therefore, it’s a STRAWMAN argument.
Do you believe the crap you come out with? I've quoted ONE post from your past here. Unless I'm missing something, that doesn't seem particularly obsessive. You just need to stop lying.Your interest in my posting history is getting strange. I'd move on if I were you, it's becoming obsessive. Seriously. Get a grip.