New member
I believe the phrase is 'They need us more than we need them'
It's nothing to do with being a snowflake, it's more to do with you being a pompous idiot. I can see why people don't want to read the pontificated, trolling nonsense you post - you've replied to virtually every post on this thread this morning for example. You really are an arrogant buffoon.
I do think that by having pastawhatsisface on ignore you are missing out on some of the funniest things on NSC. Admittedly, there is an awful lot of crap to sift through to unearth the Gems, but such is life
(Please don't tell me you had him on ignore for the screenshot)
When will the leavers realise what is happening and what a mess this whole process has become
time to admit that the nation made a mistake the question was to simplistic in or out
Yes. Perhaps the brexiteers were right in the first placeI believe the phrase is 'They need us more than we need them'
You keep repeating that we have the legislation available to stop people crossing the border year after year and are quite capable of using said legislation to control our borders, but don’t bother, you know, the same controls we have have with non EU citizens of quotas and visa permits for entry, and yet you still wont let anyone know what this legislation is……..why are you insisting on keeping it a secret just to yourself?
If you continue to decide not showing what it is we can use to control entrance into the country before entry is gained and by what number im going to have to believe you are still lying.
Posters of migrants flooding Europe should be recognised for exactly their intention, that nations without borders is fracking daft and cant protect its own citizens and that The EU presented with a crisis on its doorstep found itself to be utterly void of direction and policy because so many cooks spoiling the broth could not agree to have one.
Shit club shit fans
Mildly Interesting that you still haven't been able to give me the number of the post where I said it wouldn't happen.
Employment is at a record high, albeit including zero hours contracts. I see many a shop & cafe in Brighton & Eastbourne, with notices advertising job vacancies.
In the meantime, fruit is rotting in our farms, at the moment, because the Europeans aren't coming here to pick it.
How many unemployed EU nationals are here, at present?
When will the leavers realise what is happening and what a mess this whole process has become
time to admit that the nation made a mistake the question was to simplistic in or out
Can't find the original (and can't be arsed to page through his posts !). In his frenzied attempts to prove Brexit was working he took a screen shot of the positive results to his Google Brexit search. However the rest of the screenshot proved more enlightening. This later copy willl give you the jist
And, on the positive side, he did disappear for a few weeks following this, before he came back and told us he'd mocked up that screen
(Mucked up more like)![]()
When will the leavers realise what is happening and what a mess this whole process has become
time to admit that the nation made a mistake the question was to simplistic in or out
I reckon the specific type we are talking about, ie first-time job seekers who have been seeking employment for 6 months and who can be shown to not have sufficient funds, can be proven that they are a burden on our social assistance system, who it can also be proven not only are they not really looking for work anyway but also can be proven that they have no prospects of ever finding employment, is, and always has been so minimal numbers wise that it doesn’t even warrant posing the question let alone going through the expense of chasing them up.
The theory is however, put forward by remainers, that the numbers of these people is so substantial, that if only we had cracked down on them and deported them, then the whole immigration debate would have been different and people would have embraced EU free movement and Brexit would never have happened.(clutching at straws snigger) Bizarrely they also like to claim that these rules, against a group whose number is so insignificant it doesn’t warrant thinking about, and a group who have already entered the country anyway prove beyond doubt that we always had control , at the point of entry, of our borders……I know right, how laughable is that. Imagine if every country based their permission to enter the country policy on “ enter first, questions and permission slips later….much much later”
But anyway, you digress. Are you still having trouble locating that EU mechanism that would permit us to implement visa entry permits tomorrow, coupled with quotas, should we choose, in the same way we can against non EU citizens. You know, real actual border controls that you say we have always had, but don’t bother using?
I had taken it as read that you were aware you had a recent Brexit wont happen stance. Was more interested if you still held that viewpoint or you had now changed your mind due to circumstances i.e. that we are leaving..
I wasn’t aware you had actually asked for proof of you having a Brexit wont happen stance. Its a bit worrying you have forgotten you had this position in the first place, but I guess you can be excused considering how many shifts of position and goalpost moving remainers undertake. It cant be easy keeping up at your age.
I would have pointed you in the right direction if I had seen you ask……are you sure you did?
tick tock, tick tock, tick tock , bye bye EU
That is excellent. I dread to think what lives in ‘really nasty porn’
Keeping on with the same Straw Man argument I see.
Please find the post where someone has expressed the opinion you describe, I do not believe you will find it on this thread, and certainly not from one of the regular contributors.
What you will find is that the myth that these people exist in large numbers was perpetuated by some of the press on the leave side of the argument, and that it is within our power to register arrivals and then we could do something about the small number of people taking the piss. If this had been done, the myth would have died, and then the immigration debate might have been different.
The EU rules on freedom of movement only require that EU citizens do not have imposed on them something that we do not impose on other foreign arrivals, i.e. if we allow non eu citizens from any country to visit without requiring them to register until 6 months, then that would be the soonest we could ask EU citizens to register. It is 3 months in Spain, because that is the longest period they allow for anyone from anywhere. If we wanted to we could ask foreign visitors to register after 1 month, if we did it for all. If we wanted to insist all foreign visitors had health insurance, we could do that too, but we would have to do it for all.
This leaves us only with the other group that was overstated, the criminal element. We absolutely have the right to refuse entry to any EU citizen on grounds of public policy, public security or public health, we also are more able to get information on EU citizens than almost any other non British person. About one in 20,000 EU citizens arriving here is refused entry each year on one of these grounds. We do not have the right to refuse entry on economic grounds, but we can deport those who stay beyond the time we deem suitable for tourists, i.e. 6 months, if they are not able to support themselves, and this is by and large the only major difference to how we can treat any non EU visitor.
The reason the UK does not register arrivals, is that it is far more work than it is worth to stop the odd layabout or undeserving NHS user, that comes in with the thousands of people with a desire to get on.
No deal Brexit won't happen is perhaps what you are thinking of, which I suppose is the only way we would get the sort of Brexit you want. I know it is confusing for a man of calibre, and I understand it is difficult for you to see the difference, or maybe your not so thick and it is just another deliberate Straw Man argument.
The immigration debate would not have been different as you are incapable of recognising that people who have firm views on immigration want managed migration numbers and controlled border decisions prior to entry and not a non system of uncontrolled numbers and absurd monitoring after entry has been gained.
Its why Brits overwhelmingly still support the “ hostile environment” policy on illegals despite the HO cock up. The country simply wants increased checks and balances on immigration.
Freedom of movement is ending……..good riddance.
Umm no, I was not thinking of a “no deal brexit wont happen” with regard to Watford zero in the slightest, you have massively understood that incorrectly,
I was referring and ridiculing his Brexit wont happen…..we will end up just staying in the EU stance.(though apparently he has now forgotten he ever held this position)
So you can put your wasted confusion, difficulty, difference, thickness and straw man conclusions back in your pocket. He knows what I was referring to even if you don’t.