Lost your argument when you added expletives
I think the one expletive, and there is only one, adds the required emphasis on how I feel the country is being shafted!
Lost your argument when you added expletives
The true traitors will be the ones that voted without any consideration of whether it was good for the country or not but blindly following their prejudice/bigotry and/or extreme political beliefs.
I do think that by having pastawhatsisface on ignore you are missing out on some of the funniest things on NSC. Admittedly, there is an awful lot of crap to sift through to unearth the Gems, but such is life
(Please don't tell me you had him on ignore for the screenshot)
I don't think you're anti-immigration, and please don't think I'm picking on you, but you keep on doing it
These issues have been discussed numerous times throughout the whole Brexit debate (and not just on NSC). And time and time again you've proven that you just weren't listening
I'm afraid that there were people who told you what has always been available to the UK to control EU immigration (I've lost count of how many times on this thread alone), but has never been implemented. I suspect that you were too busy shouting 'project fear' to listen.
i would ask you to explain, but know you'll dismiss it. i do know how immigration works, how EU citizens are permitted to stay, and how there is no meaningful mechanism to control that because of deficiencies in our legislation. this was not something widely noted in the previous 20 years of debate over EU, as shown by those in favour of the EU failing to address concerns on this issue.
When you say concerns do you mean those raised by years and years of anti EU rhetoric, lies and half truths by our wonderful balanced utterly non biased press?
yes those. not answered, corrected or otherwise resolved, instead waved away.
Clearly it seems you have fallen for the propaganda - hook line and sinker to!
fallen for what, i agree with you. dont you think propaganda against immigration should have been dealt with directly?
I do think that by having pastawhatsisface on ignore you are missing out on some of the funniest things on NSC. Admittedly, there is an awful lot of crap to sift through to unearth the Gems, but such is life
(Please don't tell me you had him on ignore for the screenshot)
You really are completely and utterly stupid aren't you! I think you really believe all that crap in the Daily Mail. Pretty much all the EU migrants work and contribute taxes so they contribute to help pay for the infrastructure! And it would take thousands of years to concrete over and completely urbanise the uk. Finally if Brexit is a success (ha bloody ha!) and the economy grows the level of migration will more than likely be at be at current levels anyway! So where is you argument now about population growth!
The only way to curtail immigration, be it from the EU or the rest of the world is to make the UK less attractive and brexiteers seems to be doing a great job in that respect but unfortunately they are really ****ing up the country for everyone, themselves included! It is often the case that brexiteers call reamainers/remoaners traitors but I suspect that in future years when the history of these times is written then the consensus will be that the true patriots will be the remainers and that the true traitors will be the people who supported brexit! But by then is will be too late!
By the way having traveled all over the country following the Albion there are many, many Brits I would love to chuck out!![]()
Personally, I think that's a little strong. For me, the TRUE traitors, are those who lied to and conned the easily led, and sought to harness said prejudice/bigotry, for their own motives.
So, rather like 'what we should do with the borders and the trade deal', you don't have answer other than 'just get on with it'![]()
I did...what was the post number?
A post number wont help you will it, have you forgotten you apparently have me on ignore?
Get one of the gullible ones to post it for you, plenty to choose from.
Everything okay?
apart from the fact you cant deport a EU national for simply being unemployed
Great thanks, ......still leaving the EU...........looking forward to it, 8 group runners up still in the offing for my goliath, things are looking rosy.
Hows your "Brexit wont happen " stance coming along?
According to some on here the whole immigration debate would have been negated and sorted years ago if we had simply got tough on EU jobseekers and thrown them out for being unemployed, apart from the fact you cant deport a EU national for simply being unemployed anyway the numbers of unemployed involved must be truly breathtaking if it would have swayed the concerns of millions who want to see more control of our borders.
If the UK is now less attractive to immigrants thanks to us why are the numbers still high? Why are we not seeing just a couple of thousand coming here, and hundreds of thousands departing a month?