Everyone's favourite Tommy/Stephen banned from Twitter.
Using terms like won and lost marks you out as the one who needs to grow up. It's one thing being a sore "loser", being a sore "winner" is the pits.
Everyone's favourite Tommy/Stephen banned from Twitter.
The irony of this post - up there with the most childish ever to appear on the cluster**** of a thread.
Functioning, thinking grown ups, who see the shambles our government is making, of what was a shambles of an idea to begin with, want what is best for our country, and so continue to argue their case.
Sitting quietly sulking and sucking it up without speaking up, would be the childish response.
Using terms like won and lost marks you out as the one who needs to grow up. It's one thing being a sore "loser", being a sore "winner" is the pits.
Was just about to reply to this with something similar.
Saying 'you lost, is a strange way to frame the Brexit result; I won, you lost.
It's a bit odd not to expect a bit of debate about Brexit on a Brexit thread?
That's a bit generous describing most of the drivel on this thread as a 'debate'. For every one post attempting a reasoned argument, there are dozens which could be fairly categorised as I didn't get my way grizzling.
One Year and Counting.![]()
Nigel Farage has just announced that he and his family are life long Crystal Palace supporters.
Which just about brings this thread to a conclusion and that I was right all along.
Brexit voters are absolute tossers.
Nigel Farage has just announced that he and his family are life long Crystal Palace supporters.
Which just about brings this thread to a conclusion and that I was right all along.
Brexit voters are absolute tossers.
Using terms like won and lost marks you out as the one who needs to grow up. It's one thing being a sore "loser", being a sore "winner" is the pits.
It's common knowledge that Farage is a Palace supporter, it was discussed somewhere on this forum months and months ago. Thanks for calling all Brexit voters tossers by the way, it's this exact attitude, name calling that gave people like me and others another reason to vote Leave.
It's common knowledge that Farage is a Palace supporter, it was discussed somewhere on this forum months and months ago. Thanks for calling all Brexit voters tossers by the way, it's this exact attitude, name calling that gave people like me and others another reason to vote Leave.
Using terms like "thicko" and "spacktard" marks you out as inmature and someone not too nice.
Using terms like "thicko" and "spacktard" marks you out as inmature and someone not too nice.