We wunt be druv
Leave.EU are fuming.
Ah. Regis etc were at West Brom 5 years later in 1977. The article relates to a period 5 years after you claim. None of this stacks up. You’re definitely bullshitting.
I think he's saying it's a waste of money because it looks likely that we are paying a lot of money to basically still abide by plenty of EU laws and regulations, yet have no say over them anymore
we dont really know what we will or wont abide by, good bad or ugly yet, just what we have to settle up. lets break it down a bit. we leave and there's 18mths of budget period left, we are asking for a transition period of a couple of years, in which time we are told (not directly of course) by the EU that we're committed to some projects. then pensions and some technical arrangments on Eurozone bailouts and similar. half of the amount is just on the remaining budget period, then some reduced rate for the transition period. we dont have any say over this expenditure anyway and its not dependent on abiding to any regulations either.
Epic trolling from the EU to announce the free trade deal with Japan this morning.
it certainly does open a route to a softer Brexit, though it doesnt prescribe that it as it not the final agreement. anything that ruled out form of exit at this stage would be daft for all concerned, since we havent got to negotiating all the trade, market and cross boarder arrangements yet. its quite possible to have an arrangement on the Irish border involving available technology, that falls short of lasers and pixies. agreement and time to implement are the obstacles.
If I was a Leave voter I would be absolutely fuming right now - plenty are on Twitter and Facebook, this place seems to have avoided the meltdown somehow...touch of the Comical Ali I suspect.
£35 billion for what? To reach alignment with what we already have but then have zero input on what follows?
It’s clear what the Tories’ hard Brexiteer game is now. The major battles should all be delayed for the second phase. And that indeed is the problem. To keep this mess on the road, May has, as Philip Hammond pointed out, prevented her ministers from discussing the Brexit “end state”. Negotiations over what a final Brexit deal really looks like haven’t even begun within the British government, let alone between it and the EU. This agreement paves the way for the softest, “Brexit means Brexit in name only” deal. Will those who have made a hard Brexit their defining life mission really stomach such a proposition?
Problem for Farage is that UKIP barely exists as a political party so unless him and the other Brexit headbangers like IDS, Jenkin etc take over the Tory Party there is little he can do but grizzle on the TV
So you disagree with the commentators on both sides of the Leave/Remain spectrum who are in agreement this looks very, very much like a soft/nonexistent Brexit, as was always suspected/expected by the majority?
Carry on with your twitter memes though, gives manofsussex some pictures to look at.
Better than looking at the 'spare porn' and all the rest of the filth a posh boy, saddo like you looks at on the internet.![]()
Your "we must be fuming" seems to be more wishful thinking more than anything
We are still leaving the EU, things moving on nicely
Tick tock as they say
You really must cut back on the drinking,it has obviously started to damage your brain.Where did I mention drinking with Regis?The article was just to show the Four in Hand was the players local.Hope you recover quickly.