Tesco in Disguise
Where do we go from here?
I like Skinner, but I don't respect him for being 'principled' for 40 years. It's dogmatic not to review the case afresh every time.That was great. A few home truths there
I like Skinner, but I don't respect him for being 'principled' for 40 years. It's dogmatic not to review the case afresh every time.That was great. A few home truths there
There's none behind the bar in my Wetherspoons either. Perhaps you should direct your questions to Mr Martin on why he's lobbying the Government for access to EU workers exactly as before after Brexit having campaigned for it though rather me now?
Old man in wood paneled study votes to leave EU. Shocker.
Or perhaps your one weatherspoons is not representative of the whole country, maybe. This is the best kind of evidence based on one observation.
Great to see 350 million is back. Are we supposed to believe it this time?
Maybe Mr Martin is thinking outside of his own little bubble, or doesn't want to affect his produce supply.
Or perhaps of staffing his pubs in London and elsewhere in the country? I believe 1 in 10 of his total workforce is EU - I'd hazard a guess it's much more than 1 in 10 in Greater London.
Anyway he said yesterday that if needs must, he'll teach the EU a lesson and switch to suppliers from outside The EU - Nigerian strength Guinness, Castle Lager, Hansa Pilsner and St. Louis Special Light from Botswana here we come- Carlsberg drinkers won't notice the difference from the Gnats piss they drink currently if they're forced to switch to the latter anyway, so no worries on that score.
Very good interview with Dennis Skinner - Would be interested to hear any counter arguments against what he says.
A man of integrity and principle, a all round genuine man, a breed that doesn't exist in parliament hence why the man is seen as an outcast.
Like I said the original leftie Aka beast of Bolsover now being targeted by the newbie leftie extremists.
The EU or its main exporters are more worried about what they will lose. It's not like they can just go out and agree another trade deal as there are 27 mitts in the pie.
I can think of a couple of pubs in my neck of the woods that sell pints for £2.50 a pint on special offers. They make 'spoons in Hastings look like Sun City in comparison.
I agree that 'substantial proportion' is a vague, generalised term, 'less fortunate' is perhaps the more derogatory stereotypical term for Wetherspoon's clientele you use. As a Wetherpoon's drinker once-or-twice a week myself, I feel patronised and condescended at now. I should expect nothing less from you, one of Amber Rudd's henchmen though.![]()
Hah! .. misrepresenting the point so you can play the victim card very Diane Abbott. I should expect nothing less from you, one of Corbyn's Commissars![]()
You've got Diane Abbott on the brain man!
Please stop taunting me though, I'm just an innocent Wetherpsoon's drinker and I can't take anymore of your insults about it.
I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that not only has Bexhill a Wetherspoon's now but my favourite blonde barmaid, who fancied me because she's always rush over to serve me ahead of anyone else, has been seconded over there along with all her tattoos. Sometimes I'd walk up to the bar and I didn't even have to speak - she'd just pour, I'd pay and we'd go our separate ways, like strangers in the night
On the subject of Bexhill Wetherspoon's though - what can I say? The best £3m spent ever. The history books of Bexhill-On-Sea and indeed Sussex need ripping up and re-writing. It's even got an elevator next to it's grand staircase! A pub with a glass elevator!? I would say if you've seen one staircase, you've seen them all, but frankly as staircases go there's that one on The Titanic, Wetherspoon's in Bexhill, then the rest.
Anybody that has Diane Abbott on the brain is living a perpetual never ending nightmare.
nice to see the BBC down in the port of BILBAO this morning highlighting the latest" MIGRANT" smuggling hotspot, just the sort of exposure that's needed
Interesting to see economic migrants seeking prosperity and a better life using this route. I would have thought jumping on a train from London to Paris would be a better option?
Very good interview with Dennis Skinner - Would be interested to hear any counter arguments against what he says.
Good old beast, he is quite correct about the loss of sovereignty and the loss of his parliamentary influence as powers were moved to Brussels.Real socialists like him and Corbyn have always been against the EU,
Still remains one of my if not my favourite MP, he has been a great servant to parliament and his constituents, its sad to see him now being called " the scab of Bolsover" and the momentum youngsters laying into him on social media , what a horrible brainwashed bunch of fake socialist imbeciles they are.
Makes you wonder doesn’t it, if you believe some remainers on here we are a nation of Little Englanders awash with xenophobia and racist behaviour, a nation either in the throws of economic collapse according to some or on the brink of economic meltdown or suffering an economic crisis, a country which has now withdrawn itself into an insular island mentality separating itself from the rest of the world, a country where the prospects are grim and educated clever people cant wait to leave for somewhere more enlightening, a nation that will soon be out of the wonderful organisation called the EU but now a hopeless basketcase prospect because of it.
Yet people are still coming here in their thousands and thousands and choosing GREAT Britain over other European countries as their destination, and the people at Bilbao highlighted by Ppf would rather come to us illegally than travel over non existent borders unchecked to the likes of Germany, France, Italy or elsewhere in the EU Schengen area, countries that must be a really really crud prospect for these people.
Either these numerous thousands of people still coming here havnt yet heard the remainer rhetoric about the UK or they have and have simply concluded like millions of others that they are all talking out of their arse.
Reason 5672 why no deal is simply not an option.