So does the EU in trading with us, then.
Making even more people poorer
So does the EU in trading with us, then.
I haven't got a clue. All I know is the video is right as regards the complete overreaction to brexit.
Completely reciprocal. 'No deal' is no deal for the EU too..................
Britain showed us what is WRONG with Europe’ Top German government advisor backs Brexit
A TOP German economist and advisor to Angela Merkel’s government has given his backing to Brexit, saying the British have “shown what is wrong in Europe”.
Who benefits most from a no-deal?
The Video is as smug and pompous as the people it tries to vilify, I also don't think there has been massive overreaction in terms of response on this thread. On the left you have people who view it is wrong and a mistake to leave the EU and on the right you have people who think it is right and correct to leave the EU. Most of the stuff in the middle is filler, showboating, stats, more stats and lies.
People rarely read the link if they do not like the poster, better to put the content. I knew you and the other sad act would both post to try and agitate the poster instead of the post.
I'll add play the victim card to the bingo card.
are you Lincoln imps love child
Wasn't that produced by the far right American fruitcake who believes that school massacres have been staged by 'the establishment'? Next up, 'Is Jeremy Corbyn a Grand Wizard?'
Who benefits most from a no-deal?
He has probably been lined up against the wall and shot now for daring to question the queen of Europe
A bit like the UK top Government advisor and ambassador to the EU, for daring to suggest it will be difficult.
Not really. Sir Ivan Rogers resigned and he did so not because of pressure from pro-Brexit politicans but from what he perceived as their inability to understand briefings.
Seems only a couple of weeks ago you posted a link to something from the Express and one of the playground posse said he refused to discuss anything from it.
seem annoyed if you dont and annoyed if you do......begins with H i believe.
Not just H, although he readily jumps on the bandwagon.
I have tried putting down my opinion.....they want proof......i put up a link......they don't like the source......i copy and paste pieces that i agree with......they want the link.....they accuse me of not answering their questions......when i do........................i get the senarios mentioned in this post.
Ah, diddums. And to think you have the temerity to suggest Remainers whine?
Will you come scurrying back to the UK if your beloved Fatherland goes down with the EU.
Perhaps you could then advise the Germans where they went wrong..... you seem to have a brilliant record of predicting our outcomes.
....and I don't think he's actually been shot. Has he?Not really. Sir Ivan Rogers resigned and he did so not because of pressure from pro-Brexit politicans but from what he perceived as their inability to understand briefings.
I'm still struggling to see how we will be better off when we leave ?
Your problem is, you are cursed with common sense and logic.