My greater concern is there is a Coop blighting the seafront....we were once promised a Frank Gehry.

My greater concern is there is a Coop blighting the seafront....we were once promised a Frank Gehry.
One for DHOTYA
He told me they were all from a certain country but I won’t say which one , as it’s unfair to judge a whole country based on the actions of these men . It is a country a long way away .
I stopped off for a couple of ice creams at a newsagents near Stanley Park once on the way out of town from the fake " Cavern" museum, the glass was covered with a wire mesh, inside everything was behind glass and you stood in a lobby with a small hatch and mesh grill in the partition in front of you.
Everything in that shop was protected, you couldn't have shoplifted a penny chew without a giant axe .
Sounds great, I'm going to pop down there now and steal my lunch.
What even those from " a country a long way away " ?
What's the point!
They probably all look the same and the police can't be bothered to arrest them.
But if you say you're English, they'll lock you up.
These days.
Saw the same happen in Co op Eastbourne Town centre. What looked like a homeless guy walked out with 4 bottles of spirits, in full view of 3 shop assistants who said the same that if they get involved they are threatened
Store needs closing down until they install security guards to, if nothing else, safeguard the staff and customers
I've never come across a supermarket without a security guard. And who can't afford it - the company? Sounds like baloney.
Coop stores have cctv so any shoplifter is easily identified.