East Upper Hermit
A lot of people have not been taught the subject properly.
There are people i know who have told me that they will not post on NSC because they are poor at spelling and grammar and seen numerous times that other posters nit pick over this and it has stopped them joining.
If the schools failed to teach poeople correctly, how is ridiculing peoples contributions going to help. Looks more like one-up-man-ship to me and to others.
Not everyone cares how accurate their spelling or grammar is so why do some feel the need to go around correcting it. If it's not important enough for schools to teach it properly any more then why do a few keyboard warriors with nothing better to do than point out failings in others which almost comes across as bullying at times on NSC in the numerous threads that this sort of twaddle pops up on alomost on a daily basis.
You claim that it is done in jest, the funny thing about the written word is that it loses context and is almost impossible to work out if meant in jest or being serious and therefore i'd suggest that those whose spelling or grammar is amended tend to think it isn't being done in jest.
I suspect that the Argus writer is just another in a long line of people who haven't been taught the subject properly (hence the link to failing standards which never got a thread of it's own as a discussion) - blame the schools and question why they have failed so many, not the people making the mistakes because they were let down by a system.
In that case I suggest they are in the wrong job.