The total abandonment of the working class (white and black)
What about brown and yellow? Racists on the right, racists on the left, they're all the same.
The total abandonment of the working class (white and black)
Its been removed from the blog! I was hoping soemone might have copied and pasted?
Its been removed from the blog! I was hoping soemone might have copied and pasted?
Here's an interesting site.
In the owners ongoing campaign for, amongst other stuff, free speech (I think) he often puts up mirrors of websites what have been forced to close or take down material after some legal injunction or something.
Just scroll down a bit.
It'll be there forever too. In case anyone might need a copy like.
"Documents are removed from this site only by order served directly by a US court having jurisdiction. No court order has ever been served; any order served will be published here -- or elsewhere if gagged by order. Bluffs will be published if comical but otherwise ignored".
#you ain't seen me right#
Please, spare me your schoolboy politics rant.
I laughed at the utter pointlessness of that over-used stock phrase 'weak-kneed liberals'.
Well, at least I don’t patronise people, TLO. What I said was no rant. It was a coherent, grammatically-correct comment made by a highly-educated person with opinions that happen not to accord with your own.
Do you have a better phrase for the idiots who run this country than “week-kneed liberals”?
bullshit detector;2684808 It's not fashionable to be a little right wing bonehead like it was in the early 80s said:and the old street fighters from the NF/BM days have either mellowed like Coventrygull appears to have done (how's Beaky, does he still go to games?) or been told to keep their mouths shut and their fists to themselves
bullshit detector;2684808 It's not fashionable to be a little right wing bonehead like it was in the early 80s said:, at least in the name of the BNP. Which is why many have dual membership with headcase organisations like the Leeds based 'British People's Party' (Kev 'Pavement Biter' Watmough of Redwatch fame's mob) [/B]
I think you are mistaking me for someone elseI am not sure what beaky is up to now. The last time I saw smelly was when we were up at Gillingham. If you had dual membership with the Nutzis of the BPP you would be expelled from the BNP. I know you find it hard to believe but the BNP have changed. The more extreme on the far right hate Griffin. Dislike the fact that there are jews and people of mixed race in the party. Former Sussex organiser Martin Wingfield has even suggested that Blacks and asians be allowed to join.
Have I mellowed. Well as I have 5 grandchildren I think I am a bit to old to go back to street fighting. It was a laugh though. Happy days.
Have I mellowed. Well as I have 5 grandchildren I think I am a bit to old to go back to street fighting. It was a laugh though. Happy days.
I always find it odd that people refer to the days when they used to get in street fights as the good old days and it was a laugh. What was fighting like in the 70s and 80s? Because to be honest with you it isn't that great in the 90s and 00s.
Is that true as when i have always voted i have just turned up and ticked the party i voted for and left . How would they know who i voted for ?? Im just a statistic shorley.
I'm not a fan of the BNP, in fact I detest everything they stand for. However, I've been reading in the news that in some quarters there are moves to outlaw them as a political party. This in itself is very worrying...If the BNP are outlawed and being a member of that political party is going to get you, for example, sacked from your job then that in itself is a massive infringement of human rights.
People should be free to support whatever political party they want. Also, history has shown that banning and prohibiting the membership of organisations such as these only adds to their support...Sinn Fein are the proof of this.
I'm not a fan of the BNP, in fact I detest everything they stand for. However, I've been reading in the news that in some quarters there are moves to outlaw them as a political party. This in itself is very worrying...If the BNP are outlawed and being a member of that political party is going to get you, for example, sacked from your job then that in itself is a massive infringement of human rights.
People should be free to support whatever political party they want. Also, history has shown that banning and prohibiting the membership of organisations such as these only adds to their support...Sinn Fein are the proof of this.
though the real nutters/ terrorists/ the 88 crew will still be underground.
They are just that though nutters. Don't think that they would be capable of mounting a terrorist campaign
I seem to remember mentioning on a previous thread that most, if not all, BNP sympathisers were intelectually retarded.....
These are clever - a little map showing the 'red' hot spots.
Leaked BNP Member List Map
And this postcode proximity search
BNP member proximity search
Some people have had a busy night!
These are clever - a little map showing the 'red' hot spots.
Leaked BNP Member List Map
And this postcode proximity search
BNP member proximity search
Some people have had a busy night!