Brian Fantana
Well-known member
Despite the working day being only 1 hour and 20 minutes old, we've already seen commendably high levels of bellcheesery on show. It seems as if everyone on this floor of the office has a 'special' chair, due to some back or joint ailment. However, brilliantly, they were all given a health and safety assessment over the weekend (which seems, principally, to just have involved all of the name tags being removed from them and being put back at different desks). Having been off on annual leave for the past couple of days, I've come back to a game of musical bellcheese chairs - everyone seems to be going around the floor sitting in all of the chairs trying to work out which one is theirs. Several arguments have broken out over chairs with the same settings, and investigations carried out to determine evidence of who they belong to, quotes thus far include: "that mark on the arm is my lipstick, so that's definitely mine".
I've cracked open the metaphorical pringles, and settled in for the day.
I've cracked open the metaphorical pringles, and settled in for the day.