Well-known member
So glad I work from home ...
Hopefully about to leave my workplace but startled by how bad the team I work with are getting.
Manager: saw another company offering a higher salary for the same job, told regional boss that he'd leave our company with no notice if regional boss didn't increase his salary in kind.
Deputy Mgr: making untold errors in all aspects of her job, has been given charge of rotas and fudged that up totally. Half of our team don't know when they're working, so deputy mgr was asked what the problem was and if she needed help. When asked the latter she went nutter butters not liking the fact her authority has been questioned, she'd rather make huge errors than accept the fact someone below her who knows what they're doing.
Team leader: made everyone sure she was the right candidate to 'lead' us/increase sales etc. Her style of leading us is making costly mistakes and then openly telling the team she flaps when under pressure, doesn't know what to do etc, and actually said 'people come in and expect me to know about products we're selling, we're not experts' etc.
Every other sales assistant we've had can't sell anything and will talk themselves out of sales. I did think if the interview process was lacking and recently, I happened to accidentally come across old files while throwing stuff out. Turns out the interview stage cut short to save time, and the bit that was cut was to demonstrate sales proficiency.
It's depressingly toxic.
You don't know what you're missing (although if you've read all the above, maybe you do).So glad I work from home ...
Classic. Name that retailer or at least post a poll for us to guess...
I emailed someone this afternoon asking for some numbers on something, and have just had this reply:
"Can you please reach out to me regarding these on Friday, as I will have a better idea then"
....I mean struth.
On reflection, I would rather "reach out" to you on Friday and peel your eyelids up over your eyebrows, you insufferable saccharin ponce.
(is what I should have replied with)
I emailed someone this afternoon asking for some numbers on something, and have just had this reply:
"Can you please reach out to me regarding these on Friday, as I will have a better idea then"
....I mean struth.
On reflection, I would rather "reach out" to you on Friday and peel your eyelids up over your eyebrows, you insufferable saccharin ponce.
(is what I should have replied with)
I emailed someone this afternoon asking for some numbers on something, and have just had this reply:
"Can you please reach out to me regarding these on Friday, as I will have a better idea then"
....I mean struth.
On reflection, I would rather "reach out" to you on Friday and peel your eyelids up over your eyebrows, you insufferable saccharin ponce.
(is what I should have replied with)
Reading that has made me angry... Reach out and slap them on Friday.
Local salad bar had a 'deal' on for a cheap salad at lunchtime. Went to buy my work colleague a salad and they had run out of the deal ones. Thought i'd get him one anyway (since his mobile was off when i called him to check) so he didn't go hungry but it cost £4 rather than £2.50.When i returned he said didn't want it and refused to pay me unless i sold it to him for £2.50...Proper BELL in my book. Given i work out his bonus at year end could cost him more than £1.50![]()
Does working from home mean endless hours on porn hub?So glad I work from home ...
Now then, folks. I kind of feel we need a bit of back-ground to this story.
On the face of it, this sick individual IS the bell-cheese here. But all the regulars on this thread just know EXACTLY how much those two (unquestionably fat, middle aged) women, will have undoubtedly DESERVED it.