Barnet Seagull
Luxury Player
What, no Davie504?
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John Taylor
Might have surprised some who don’t ‘get’ how good a live band Duran Duran are and have remained so for the last 40 odd years .
JT isn’t just a pretty face he can play the f%%%%%g bass damn good !
Brummie wallies that jumped on the New Wave/synth scene …. very, very late. A singer with serious sinus issues.
Back in the day only liked by teenage girls who fancied JT or Rhodes, if any blokes liked them, they kept it quiet.
40 years on, revered by a few middle aged football supporters. What’s changed? Can SLB actually sing now?
Simply the passage of time.
I loved them. I like a bit of pop. One of the many bands that dragged me out of my snobby music purist silo, that began to melt in the late 70s when I bought The Average White Band's second album.
Brummie wallies that jumped on the New Wave/synth scene …. very, very late. A singer with serious sinus issues.......
So, there’s a dancer in you, somewhere.
And what about a slice of this?
Saw them at the Dome. Twice!
You omitted to mention ".... and the kind of face you just want to punch"
His "sinus issues" to which you refer were particularly evident during their Live Aid performance... at 2.55 in the video clip below...
I'm going to have to remove you from my ignore list for that.
What was I thinking![]()