Well-known member
You say you don't care for PC users, then wibble on about PCs, Windows and telling people to convert. Which gives proof that you do quite clearly 'care'.
Are you counting your IA-32 Intel Standard Architechture powered Mac (if its made after 2006...) in your number of PCs? Because it is just a PC, running one of many UNIX-derived operating systems for IA-32.
oh, and as reference for the about 3 people who'll know what this means:
Last login: Tue Jun 17 21:10:48 on ttys000
bluefear:~ cianduffy$ uname -a
Darwin bluefear.local 9.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.3.0: Fri May 23 00:49:16 PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.5.18~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
I'm posting this from one of my PC laptops, it just happens to be running the OS that its vendor supplied with it rather than Windows (which it also quite happily runs).
Bully for you! And no I don't care.......I just pity!