New member
- Dec 20, 2010
- 679
I wonder, will this story feature in the sequel to his seminal autobiography 'My Defence'?
10k compensation!!!, I would hope we are talking about at least two weeks of Cole's salary going to the kid, more like c.250k.
Can you think of ANY?
I know I might be jumping to conclusions here, but "accidentally discharged the rifle" and while surrounded by various multi-million pound assets of the club, all of which would be rich and powerful enough to sue the arse of Cashley for that, this "accident" hits the work experience boy. F8ck that, the little shit was deliberately arsing around aiming that rifle at the kid. Probably didn't mean to hit him, just scare him, maybe he didn't even mean for it to go off, but this is basically the super-rich footballer having a laugh at the rest of us, who are just the little people to them.
Yeah, of course, I have absolutely no evidence of any of the above .... but I bet that's closer to the truth than what we get told.
I understand there is a vacancy for a superintendant in Misommer - it's yours!
Surely there is no-one left in Midsummer is there? Didn't they run out of potential victims to the extent that they had to kill off the super-intendant.
I'm still trying to work out why he had an air rifle at training anyway.
Perhaps Ancelotti asked them to stay behind for extra shooting practice and poor, put-upon, poverty-stricken Ashley got the wrong end of the stick.
I'm still trying to work out why he had an air rifle at training anyway.
Isn't that obvious? It's the same reason he cheated on the gorgeous Cheryl Cole, nearly crashed his car when being offered only £65k a week, and told us all he hated England, the English and everything after the World Cup exit. It's because he's a Grade A, gold plated, COCK!
I'm still trying to work out why he had an air rifle at training anyway.
Agree, I personally have never woken up and thought to myself mmmmm, I'll take an air rifle into work today. Has anyone else?
Agree, I personally have never woken up and thought to myself mmmmm, I'll take an air rifle into work today. Has anyone else?