Wordle 228 3/6
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Lucky guess again. 1/3 chance
‘kin ell! Back to back 2s!
I do love this word too
For me there's too much luck involved to really get into it. A 6 point scoring system where your score can be spread over 3 points (or more?), purely down to luck, just doesn't do it for me I know the luck will even itself out but even so......
For me there's too much luck involved to really get into it. A 6 point scoring system where your score can be spread over 3 points (or more?), purely down to luck, just doesn't do it for me I know the luck will even itself out but even so......
Wordle 228 4/6
1. Y Y Y X X
2. Y G X X Y
3. X G X G G
Streak 19, average 6.3
Happy enough as the choice after 3rd go could have been any of several. Lucky again.
It was a satisfying word to get eventually.
My favourite word ever in Wordle has to be Perky.
My least favourite obviously was favor
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The interweb is very annoying place and best avoidedIs there a list anywhere of previous words? Asking for a friend