Is this a fake photo
View attachment 121336
This is being touted to show the seafront heaving , when look at the photo....the toilets and the bandstand visible in the one shot. The zoom on that photo is miles
Is this a fake photo
View attachment 121336
This is being touted to show the seafront heaving , when look at the photo....the toilets and the bandstand visible in the one shot. The zoom on that photo is miles
You could always ask the person that took it:
Staying at home for was the better option for all, though ?My point was the arsegas was using it to suggest that it was heaving and people were ignoring advice.... but we were there and people were observing staying distances away.
It set off the holier than thou brigade all over the web calling us all wankers based on a misleading photograph that was deliberate to cause alarm
Look ok to me, from the toilet block near left to the white building far right is about 800m or so.........I think an aerial shot of the same scene would indicate that the vast majority of people (couples excluded) are observing the guidelines on distancing.
'Coronaviruses can be spread when people with the virus have close, sustained contact with people who are not infected. This typically means spending more than 15 minutes within two metres of an infected person, such as talking to someone for instance'
Staying at home for was the better option for all, though ?
The message needs to be re-inforced constantly, so the argus is to be thanked in this case.
But that is the problem...that is not the message that is coming out.
The message is you can go out for exercise, and if you need to shop.. everyone on the seafront yesterday was we have been told. Walking dogs, walking family etc. The dyke was the same, my golf course the same...people out exercising and yes taking precautions as we all need to do.
We are not yet in a total lockdown, and may well be next week, but until then we take the advice as given...
True, you are of course right. I think I interpreted the message as I wanted it to be, rather than what it actually was.
That being that exercising and dog walking etc. was to be done in the wilderness, not within the city, not everyone together at once.
So the message wasn't clear to me, as I interpreted it as stronger and harsher.
My point was the arsegas was using it to suggest that it was heaving and people were ignoring advice.... but we were there and people were observing staying distances away.
It set off the holier than thou brigade all over the web calling us all wankers based on a misleading photograph that was deliberate to cause alarm
Have you ever gobbed in the wind?
Gob tends to be considerable heavier than a cough/sneeze that would be atomised, so basically not a lot of nous appears to being used here.
I would prefer to be over 8 metres away and up wind.