I get confused over the distancing advice.
From a government site:
'Coronaviruses can be spread when people with the virus have close, sustained contact with people who are not infected. This typically means spending more than 15 minutes within two metres of an infected person, such as talking to someone for instance'
So I fail to see how a walk along the seafront, even if there is a few out, will cause much of a problem. Unless someone can correct me here. I'd like to know as I intend to take a long seafront walk, although not at a busy time.
That's quite interesting isn't it. It's from Public Health England on 4 March 2020 - so was it a 'political' comment during the herd immunity phase that has now been superseded by more scientific based descriptions? And we hadn't had any deaths by then. Maybe they've discovered that it's actually more contagious than they first thought?