Well-known member
Oh FFS.....
Japan deserved the tsunami for murdering dolphins and whales.
They still resumed that activity when the charitable donations poured in.
They should get another disaster for being shit heads
I don't know whether the U.S. or another military had anything to do with the Tsunami, deliberate or accidental.
However, I do believe that more people need to understand the irresponsible and dangerous shit the worlds governments get up to in pursuit of full spectrum dominance.
It has been suggested that H.A.A.R.P could have been responsible for this or other earthquakes, and it is unequivocal fact that the U.S. military is only interested in technology which it can weaponize. There are no innocent science projects at the DOD.
No they aren't. They said:It's called the butterfly effect , they are saying that a bomb set off in 44 caused the 46 tsunami
Japan deserved the tsunami for murdering dolphins and whales.
They still resumed that activity when the charitable donations poured in.
They should get another disaster for being shit heads
Japan deserved the tsunami for murdering dolphins and whales.
They still resumed that activity when the charitable donations poured in.
They should get another disaster for being shit heads
Oh dear, here we go again !
I tried to read the attached " Document " but I sadly ran out of steam after the bit that the Viking invasion of old England was ordered by the Pope or RC church...
But I do have one little problem with the whole conspiracy and that is that an nuclear detonation takes a micosecond to start.So, we go from 0 to 7 or so on the Richter Scale instantly almost. However an earthquake is often preceded by pre shocks and measurable variances.
The Pacific is known as The Ring of Fire due to the huge amount of subduction, plate movement and constructive plate margins and as such, the whole Pacific is ringed and criss crossed by monitoring stations manned bu international scientists.
My one question is, how do you fool all the siesmologists and geologists when a nuclear detonation( or several) has taken place when everything they are recording suggests a natural event ?
Japan deserved the tsunami for murdering dolphins and whales.
They still resumed that activity when the charitable donations poured in.
They should get another disaster for being shit heads
Am I the only one who read this as a joke then?
Am I the only one who read this as a joke then?
I typically 'react' to your more interesting conspiracy posts, however this one does have an element of truth to it. Cloud seeding for example has been a technology around for 70 years, and indeed the Americans used it in Vietnam to attempt to extend the monsoon season. I think I also read that for some of Stalin's great rallies, they would seed around the event to ensure it was a dry day.
If hydraulic fracking can cause mini seismic events for example, you don't have to be a conspiracy theorists to conclude that the military have investigated it's potential use.
There is a Geneva Convention however banning any weather modification for military use:
The Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD), formally the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques is an international treaty prohibiting the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques. It opened for signature on 18 May 1977 in Geneva and entered into force on 5 October 1978. The Convention bans weather warfare, which is the use of weather modification techniques for the purposes of inducing damage or destruction. The Convention on Biological Diversity of 2010 would also ban some forms of weather modification or geoengineering.
A sensible post.
The problem is that there is so much secrecy, understandably, in the military intelligence community. We are just left with the questions, "could they?" and "would they?", and to be honest the dispositions of high ranking military and the political elite do not fill me with confidence.
So none between 1883 and 1946 - oh, except for one we're telling you about in 1944
It has been suggested that H.A.A.R.P could have been responsible for this or other earthquakes, and it is unequivocal fact that the U.S. military is only interested in technology which it can weaponize. There are no innocent science projects at the DOD.
It's just embarrassing. Go to all that effort to make up a theory, and contradict yourself right at the start.its cute isnt it? and thats just the significant tsunami events. basic facts are ignored/overlooked/discarded in order to start the foundation of the theory. if you cant start from a position of truth, how do they expect to end up somewhere that is truthful and not made up bollocks? i gave up after reading the paragraph, checking and finding its false, because there's no where for it to go from there.