Another observation, which does seem a bit strange...whenever I go into the town centre of a weekend and see people fighting, pissing and puking in the street...they are almost always white...wonder why that is?
i'd venture thats because you go places where the vast majority (if not all) people are white. try Lewisham, Brixton or the like on a Sturday night and you wont be making such an observation.
i'd venture thats because you go places where the vast majority (if not all) people are white. try Lewisham, Brixton or the like on a Sturday night and you wont be making such an observation.
Another observation, which does seem a bit strange...whenever I go into the town centre of a weekend and see people fighting, pissing and puking in the street...they are almost always white...wonder why that is?
I used to live in Lewisham borough and have been out in Brixton many times and I'd agree with Gully, I can't recall seeing many groups of black people pissing and puking in the street. It's a cultural thing, innit.
I used to live in Lewisham borough and have been out in Brixton many times and I'd agree with Gully, I can't recall seeing many groups of black people pissing and puking in the street. It's a cultural thing, innit.