Famous Last Words
Wow, I've just listened through twice. An utterly brilliant album, love it.
I can see why you have suggested a Streets similarity. To me it also brought to mind 2nd Exit and United Future Organisation:
Thanks, @Whitechapel. I have discovered so much good stuff from your knowledge of this genre, and disappeared down numerous rabbit holes. I'm much older than you are, and your input is invaluable.
Glad you liked it mate! It’s been copping a rinsing from me all weekend. It’s one of those where every play changes my favourite track. Cats & Dogs, Don’t Do Drugs, Foundations, Casino Royale… all of them 10/10 tracks, I reckon I’ve listened to Gold at least 30 times too. What a f*cking beat.
Honestly, British Hip-Hop is one of my biggest passions but I’m cursed with a friendship circle who can’t think of anything worse. So really I owe you a thanks for being someone I can pass my enthusiasm on to!

If you enjoyed NNUTS then I can’t recommend their first two albums enough. Breathing Exercises & Handle with care are both on a similar level and there’s a load of loose singles too.