Sake, we already get labelled as gayers and poofs, And now we have to prance around in rainbow laces? And against Saints as well. Why give them more ammunition, who ever thought up this ridiculous idea.
Sake, we already get labelled as gayers and poofs, And now we have to prance around in rainbow laces? And against Saints as well. Why give them more ammunition, who ever thought up this ridiculous idea.
Dreadful post, rightly called out by dozens of posters on here. Most of which you have responded to in the same stroppy manner rather than taking a good look at yourself.More virtuous signalling from the most virtuous signalling sport of them all: football. Let’s constantly talk about anything other than football, let’s link everything back to gender, sexual orientation, colour, race, religion and politics. When did football become so narcissistic as to tell everyone what to do and think. Remember the days when it used to be about sport?
Where exactly is Dan Burn telling you what to do and think?
Sake, we already get labelled as gayers and poofs, And now we have to prance around in rainbow laces? And against Saints as well. Why give them more ammunition, who ever thought up this ridiculous idea.
Sake, we already get labelled as gayers and poofs, And now we have to prance around in rainbow laces? And against Saints as well. Why give them more ammunition, who ever thought up this ridiculous idea.
What a pile of old shit. NSC wasn’t racist back in the day. Nor was racism as common as you make out at grounds. I never heard any such remarks at Withdean for example amongst those surrounding me. So how far back are you saying it was ‘rife’? Why does everything on this website have to be about it? Why not football?
Sake, we already get labelled as gayers and poofs, And now we have to prance around in rainbow laces? And against Saints as well. Why give them more ammunition, who ever thought up this ridiculous idea.
I suspect it is this, rather than any other issue which prevents gay players from coming out.
I would be amazed if players weren't already aware of any gay teammates.
As a member of the LGBT community this is really nice to see and probably the best message I've seen come out of BHAFC in regards to inclusion and acceptance within the team, for sure.
I can totally believe it too, as it seems we've got a very decent group of players at the moment in terms of personality.
Well done the club and supporters here on NSC.
In all teams you have close friends, people you get on with, people you are ambivalent about and some you don’t like. That’s life. Why a player would have to “come out” to the whole dressing room I don’t know. If he is gay then so what. His choice, his lifestyle, it’s really no big thing. What’s important in the dressing room is CAN HE PLAY FOOTBALL and does he add value to the team.
I’m sure his close friends will know his preferences and from the wider perspective why would the player or club wish to draw attention to the matter? Surely in this day and age it would not be a surprise if gay players mixed with other gay players, from his own club and others.
Good on Dan Burn for his comments but is it really an issue?
Although I've read positive comments from players on this issue in the past, I don't think I've ever heard any player talk about it to the extent DB does here. Have you?
Why should someone even have to mention they are gay? Do straight people say hello I’m straight![]()