Is it PotG?
Thrifty non-licker
Don't normally like the slapstick, visual stuff but last week's singing finale and the arse scratch sleep were top drawer.
Mostly hit for me.
"We all know that the police are perfectly capable of investigating themselves...."
Likewise. Will be watching the lot again with my son. It's quite heartening to watch a twelve year old who usually laughs at nonsense on YouTube etc ABSOLUTELY crying with laughter at AP.43 pages - what other 6-part comedy series could manage that? It really was superb, I have all the episodes on catch-up and plan a Partridge binge next time the missus goes out with the Year 5 mum's crew.
Best to draw a veil over the ensuing shower scene completely. The camera lingered WAY too long...
As sure as eggs is eggs Partridge will come out as gay at some point..
As sure as eggs is eggs Partridge will come out as gay at some point. From his obsession with ladyboys all those years ago to a number of nods in this series (“see you later, Alan” from the young lad dressed up as a girl, then that shower scene).
Which is part of the genius of the character, as so many people are like that.Even if he were gay, he’d never allow himself to follow it up let alone “come out”. He’s far too repressed.
As sure as eggs is eggs Partridge will come out as gay at some point. From his obsession with ladyboys all those years ago to a number of nods in this series (“see you later, Alan” from the young lad dressed up as a girl, then that shower scene).