As amazing as it is, Falmer is an absolute nightmare to get home from - better transport links needed.
you are joking!
try leaving Upton Park after a game.............................
As amazing as it is, Falmer is an absolute nightmare to get home from - better transport links needed.
Would you rather we had a half filled stadium a la Selhurst Park for evening games, or a full stadium but with people leaving with 5 minutes to go? Don't forget they could have easily not bothered going at all last night and just watched it on the telly
Ah, this old chestnut.
An interesting stat would be to see who has the most fans, in the stadium, with ten minutes to go.
Selhurst is a nightmare to get to and from yet you don't see the fans leaving in their droves when 0-1 down. We stay & support our team until the end.
And yes, I'll be at the game tonight, travelling from Southampton & I predict 13k fans there, 2k of them being Saints fans, but as long as we win, I don't care.
That's simple then because with ten mins to go last night I would say that between the west stand and north stand alone there were more home fans in the stadium than at any time of the palace game tonight. Add the 2k west hame fans and at least half the east stand and I reckon there were still 16k+ in the stadium when the game went into injury time
Selhurst is a nightmare to get to and from yet you don't see the fans leaving in their droves when 0-1 down. We stay & support our team until the end.
The scoreline is not relevant to people leaving early at the Amex. It would be the same if we were winning 2-0. It's about transport congestion. You don't have that problem at Selhurst in the same way for various reasons. One, because a lot of people can walk or get a bus. Two, because you have more than one station to choose from. And three, because those stations are a walk away, so the crowd thins a bit. Plus you can park near the ground, as I have many times.
I don't like people leaving early, and I don't myself - but I know why they are, because it can cost you an hour getting home from a night game. These are real people with real jobs to go to in the morning, and that matters.
I know a couple of West Ham fans who were at the game last night. They left early, not because they were losing, but because they were so depressed at the shit Allardyce is serving up even when 1-0 up. As a by-product, they got back to Brighton and were back in London before 11pm. For most Hammers fans (and London-based Seagulls) that would have been midnight.
So Sky won't be back again to f*** about with the fixtures when fans have to get last or connecting trains on a wet Monday night because they moved it in the first place? Sky need a reality check and when it all goes tits up for them eventually no-one will give a shit because they've had it too good for far too long now. Arrogant wankers.
Not everybody lives in Sussex or is local to Brighton for that matter. Factor in that some of us also have to get up early to go to work. As usual Hurst and doone his usual trick of only seeing things from his perspective.
The foolishness of youth I suppose.
Allardyce has served up shit all season. Hit & hope hoof ball with the squad he has at his disposal must be hard to take for the WHU faithful.
I have a mad rush to Waterloo tonight if the game goes to extra time & penalties. Dependant on a connecting train at Clapham to Waterloo I may not get back until 6am. Won't miss it for the world though![]()
You're a joke account so I shouldn't really respond but I will. What tax has to do with anything in this thread I have no idea, I pay for a ticket with money I've earned, just like you. Maybe you're just jealous that you're a middle aged man who has thrown his life away and has to post on a message board on the internet to feel big, or maybe you're my age in which case I need not reply, because that's hilarious. OR you're just a nutcase throwing about you're silly joke account replies.
I drove down from Nottingham yesterday - 4 hours down, 3 hours back and did stay until the final whistle. I always do. Presumably there were early leavers at the Doncaster game who missed the best part of the whole game! I dare not risk that.
Having said that, there are numerous reasons why people leave early and it's probably rarely to do with how we're playing. At least they turned up and paid their money, so they're entitled to leave whenever they like. Although I appreciate it doesn't look good seeing hundreds of people leaving before the end.
I park at Lewes station, have a couple of beers around the town with some old mates and then literally squeeze onto the train to Falmer. It's like hell on earth on those trains, but I really don't know what the answer is. You're all standing there crushed together, gasping for air, with expressions like stunned goldfish!However, the journey is very short thankfully and you get some brilliant banter going on purely because of the conditions...don't fancy breathing in all those germs in the winter though!
I'm trying to think about other 20k+ away grounds I've been to recently and what the after match travel experience is like. Sheffield Wednesday - easy, just walked 500 yards to the car and got away very quickly. Aston Villa - similar to the cattle truck train nightmare we have now. Forest - easy, people seem to just disperse very quickly in numerous directions. Leicester - parked 200 metres from the ground, but then couldn't get out of the car park for 45 minutes! Leeds - similar to Leicester.
Perhaps we could concrete over a square mile of the downs as an overflow car park! But even then you'd have to get out of it and onto the A23 which would no doubt take ages...
eveything's 'embarrasing' today for some reason, embarrasing fans, embarrasing flags, embarrasing chants, embarrassing park n ride (that's my favourite), until you've shit yer self in the Co-op in London Rd i'm not sure any of you know what embarrassment is
Add Derby to that list, another amazingly easy place to get out of. And that's 30,000+ people!
Something has to be done quickly about falmer transportation. It can't be that hard shirley!
It really shouldn't matter, I've watched Brighton away in Lancashire and Yorkshire on a tue night, and not even thought of leaving early because of work. Be Tired and get an early night the following eve, Simples!
you shouldn't really, but you did. I always get a reaction out of folk like you. Makes me chuckle. The 'pay some tax' is a standard reply to students. it's not meant to be offensive, it is just a little ha ha.
- 'middle aged man who has thrown his life away and has to post on a message board on the internet to feel big?' - Laughable judgement. You think your better than a middle aged man who has a steady job already and probably a mortgage? Don't think many middle aged men on here would take too kindly to that opinion. disrespectful.
- 'or maybe you're my age in which case I need not reply, because that's hilarious?' - not sure why thats hilarious but whatever floats your boat. Maybe it's because i'm your age, earn twice what you'll earn when you come out of school - minus the big DEBT and you think i'm in a strong career position already perhaps? jealousy.
- 'OR you're just a nutcase throwing about you're silly joke account replies?' - I could potentially be a nutcase but you'd struggle to work that out from a couple of posts on here. And if i were a nutcase i'd be careful about slagging one off. pwropa nutty geezer.
don't judge a book by it's cover as they say... i would never reveal personal details about myself on a forum like this anyhow, the internet can get you into trouble these days... you should know that... as a student... and all that...
moral of the story is though... no one is 'better' than anyone. studying for a law degree or not, leaving a game early or not - you will be treated the same as everyone else no matter how good you think you are. it's called 'living in the real world'.
It really shouldn't matter, I've watched Brighton away in Lancashire and Yorkshire on a tue night, and not even thought of leaving early because of work. Be Tired and get an early night the following eve, Simples!