Deleted member 18477
To be totally honest it was absolutely embarrassing watching you lot leave early this evening. Before everyone leaps on board giving it the biggun about me not being there, no, I wasn't. I'm a student in Lincoln working my arse off for a law degree and working part time to make it happen, including a ten hour shift today, so excuse me if I don't turn up to every game. If anyone fancies paying for the part of my degree that Student Finance can't cater for regardless of the 'grants' please be my guest, but until this, I'll continue to judge as long as I like.
What the hell was everyon playing at? It was a cracking game, we were on the offensive, we were only 1 goal down and you poured out in your DROVES. Bollocks to all of your "you don't know man, you weren't there" bullshit. The fact of the matter is, 95% of you gits wouldn't of had a valid reason at ALL for leaving early other than not liking the weather, the other 5% who genuinely do need to leave 2 minutes early to get that first train otherwise you end up stranded 500 miles from home, fair enough, you can keep on going
You other 95%, shake your f***ing heads in shame, alternatively send me your season ticket and a big bundle of cash so I can travel and live, and I'll stay for the full 90 in your place, 1-0 & you f***ed it up seems to know where people live, so ask him for the address ;-)
dear oh dear