Really? Never heard that before!There was also a small underground ice skating rink there back in the day.
Really? Never heard that before!There was also a small underground ice skating rink there back in the day.
After The Jam played in Crawley the local bowling alley lost nearly their entire stock of bowling shoesView attachment 173022
And all because I didn't return a set of bowling shoes. Goodness knows why I kept them - they were awful.
There was also a crown green bowls area and rooms to play table tennis in. I used to play TT there with my dad on Wednesday afternoons in the early 80s.Where I spent much of my youth !
There was /( is?) a whole other area which was a warren of corridors and little rooms just next to the bowling alley. No pics of this in the article.
It was in the underground car park, was short lived running from 1976-1977Really? Never heard that before!
They did. I went to an open meeting for people in construction just after I think the crinkly tower’s development failed. The head of planning stood up and said the Council welcomed proposals from developers who would build private homes there but as well as the affordable housing provision, the Council also wanted free replacement leisure facilities either on or nearby including a 50m swimming pool. And not surprisingly, a few titters went round the room.It's a disgrace that the council don't want to have a leisure centre there
Yes, we'd like the best sporting facility in the country, for free, or failing that just build a load of flats and fill your bootsThey did. I went to an open meeting for people in construction just after I think the crinkly tower’s development failed. The head of planning stood up and said the Council welcomed proposals from developers who would build private homes there but as well as the affordable housing provision, the Council also wanted free replacement leisure facilities either on or nearby including a 50m swimming pool. And not surprisingly, a few titters went round the room.
It was definitely open when I went there in about 2001! Maybe they closed it down and reopened it?
Hmmm. You may be right. I got the date of 1989 from this article:Yep I definitely bowled there in the mid 90s
No wonder the pins used to stick sometimes!A friend of mine worked as a mechanic/maintenance operative in the bowling alley, I went behind the scenes where the skittles were loaded and all the walls there were plastered from top to bottom with porn!
Yep they are becoming really irritating at the moment, what with the go ahead of the VG 3 phase, closing Blackman Street at the Trafalgar Street End, and swathes of shitty build to rent apartments everywhere and then wonder why there are so many f***ing cars everywhere!!
MoneySo how come the council can get away with just turning the area into a mass of flats, with no leisure centre for the city (other than building further out, where fewer people live)?
I had my, I think 7th or 8th birthday party at the bowling alley which would have been 1993 or 1994 so it lasted until at least then. I think it carried on for a few years but died almost immediately after the Marina one was built (early 00's?)Hmmm. You may be right. I got the date of 1989 from this article:
History of Tenpin Bowling in the UK Part 3 – King Alfred Lanes, Hove, West Sussex
By Tenpin Bowling Proprietors Association President John Ashbridge In the late 1930’s Hove Council decided to build what was to become The King Alfred Leisure Centre. Just as the original building …uktenpinhalloffame.co.uk
However this one says 1999:
The King Alfred Site, Hove
History of King Alfred Site Hove, HMS King Alfred, King Alfred Swimming Baths Hove, Gehry Towers Hove, King Alfred Hove Re-development Schemes, History of Hove by Judy Middleton,hovehistory.blogspot.com
However I really don't remember it then, I was taking my kids bowling by then and we went to the Marina. We used to go to the KA for the water slides, and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a bowling alley as well. Weird.
Yeah, I would have sworn blind that it wasn't there in the 1990's, but enough of you have memories of using it then so fair enough, I stand corrected. Also the Marina one didn't open until 1998 (I just looked it up) and I KNOW I took the kids bowling before then, so maybe I took them to the King Alfred - even though I have no memory of it still being there!I had my, I think 7th or 8th birthday party at the bowling alley which would have been 1993 or 1994 so it lasted until at least then. I think it carried on for a few years but died almost immediately after the Marina one was built (early 00's?)
the lazer thing lasted a little bit longer
I think you're the only other person I've ever heard mention that place! No-one at school ever believed me as a kid that I used to go bike riding there, but I used to go regularly when we were camping down at Graffham...this pic of me and my mate Daz must be from about '83-'84 I reckon?Was only talking to someone today about birthday parties in the 70’s in Brighton or Hove, standard was King Alfred Ten Pin Bowling then next year down the Dolphinarium, I think one year we did break trend and went motor biking near Fontwell Race Course