This really is very has nothing to do with x's, emotions or anything else.....the solicitors claimed a sum of money for her time for giving care and assistance - I doubt the X ever thought or expected to get paid for her time but the solicitors will have stuck it in and priced it up and bingo, it has been paid... the words 'her time' say it all, they valued that time and the insurance company agreed to reimburse her for if they got £1,500 for that, that money strictly speaking belongs solely to her legally and morally. hate to seem cold about this but this is my job, I've done it 15 years so I don't feel any sympathy here as there is no real moral dilemma to this situation....keep it if you want it but if you valued what the x did for you when injured and now someone has agreed to repay her for that time/effort, then I'd say cheque in post and clear conscience.....