Bold Seagull
strong and stable with me, or...
Betfair has them increasingly neck and neck.
The only parts of your prediction I am not so convinced about is that the courts will automatically back Trump and that he'll be able to whip up substantial chaos in the meantime.
It's ddefinitely the plan, now being put into execution, but I am not so sure on either count.
Trump will not give up until every avenue has been explored, every single little bit of anything has been checked and rechecked . . . . he's not interested in politics, its just like a week at a casino, he just wants to win, by hook or crook, and it's highly likely he will.
The courts have been set to 'win' this for the Republican party.
It's a 10 year plan coming to fruition for now.
Whether it does our not, who knows, but this has been the plan all along.
Biden now narrowing the gap in Michigan - it's going to be a close one.
Just 74k behind and getting closer, with around 7-10% still to report.
Biden now odds on as Wisconsin goes blue. Mesmerising this market.
Biden ahead by about 11,400 votes, with 32,000 votes still to be counted.
These 32,000 votes are coming from Green Bay – a traditionally Democratic district.
So it's Biden's, just the technicalities to complete.
The Orange One will need to be dragged kicking and screaming from his office... He ain't going quietly...!
I don't know if the BBC has a major lag or the Guardian are going too early but they've not been close at any point in the last 4 hoursWhat does make things very confusing is when different media outlets have different results.
At this point in time, the BBC has Biden with 224 EC votes while the Guardian has 238. It makes it hard to work out what's going on
one of the worse trends of recent years is people being told they voted wrong. not a discussion to convince them of the alternative, just that they are wrong.